I got run over by grandma!

Her mother attacked a Nabisco salesman about 15 years ago at a Safeway where I worked.

Poor guy was minding his own bid-ness on his hands and knees cleaning the bottom shelf in the aisle where his Oreos were going to be displayed.
Great Granny rammed him and sent him sprawling head first full length on to the shelf.

And she raced off she screeched, "Keep your hiney out of the way, ya dumb KID!!"

Oh my gosh...
Why don't we ever get the exciting stuff here? Like the gal that decided to make meth in a Walmart (she couldn't afford to buy the ingredients so just got stuff off of the shelves and tried to make it in the store).
Her mother attacked a Nabisco salesman about 15 years ago at a Safeway where I worked.

Poor guy was minding his own bid-ness on his hands and knees cleaning the bottom shelf in the aisle where his Oreos were going to be displayed.
Great Granny rammed him and sent him sprawling head first full length on to the shelf.

And she raced off she screeched, "Keep your hiney out of the way, ya dumb KID!!"

Oh my gosh...


When I was about twelve I was on the computer and my grandmother was sitting next to me in her wheelchair. She already had the alzheimer's pretty bad. She was going on about something in word salad same as always, and I was halfway listening, trying to respond at the correct times in the correct way, or at least as close as I could guess. Maybe I was paying too much attention to the computer and not enough to her as far as she was concerned, I don't know. One moment she's babbling amiably, next thing I know she reaches over and slugs me in the shoulder something good -- she was a Roller Derby queen in her day, and even at 85+ her punches were no joke -- and starts talking real angry like, obviously saying something very insulting even though I could't understand it. Well, I held a grudge about that for a few weeks, even though I knew it was nothing personal.

But hey, maybe you're on to something . . . and she just really needed to take a poop?
Reckon that's how the couple in the bicycle dept. here was busted doing "the wild thing" 2 weeks ago. They knew first hand there wasn't any security here because one of them was a Walmart employee.


hey now, nothing says romance more than a row of schwins and deflated innertubes
Reckon that's how the couple in the bicycle dept. here was busted doing "the wild thing" 2 weeks ago. They knew first hand there wasn't any security here because one of them was a Walmart employee.


hey now, nothing says romance more than a row of schwins and deflated innertubes

pk...that just made my day!
Reckon that's how the couple in the bicycle dept. here was busted doing "the wild thing" 2 weeks ago. They knew first hand there wasn't any security here because one of them was a Walmart employee.


hey now, nothing says romance more than a row of schwins and deflated innertubes

Don't forget the helmets either, remember safety first!!

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