I got some pics of our new baby chicks!


In the Brooder
Jan 4, 2017
They were able to get outside yesterday and play for a little bit before it got cold too cold again. I think they enjoyed it!

Very cute! Looks like you were having a nice day yesterday...I don't know where you are located but here in WY it's still winter with snow on the ground. You have sunshine and green stuff!
We are in Texas! No snow for us
we just get what we call cold weather lol.
OOOOOH your chicks are so "stinkin' cute," I'm in love
You must be having weather a lot warmer than us - low 20's here & headed down. How old are they?
They are almost 3 weeks. I got two that aren't growing as fast as the others. They are def bigger than when we first brought them home. Is there something I need to do?

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