I had Internet Fraud Charges!

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I've never had problems with online purchasing(I use paypal almost exclusively) and I buy ALOT! Thank God for that...

But, at my kid's school a whole batch of checks were stolen from the principal's office and I was advised by another parent that was a police officer to close the account and notify the bank that there may be fraudulent activity associated with the(old) account. That was a little scary.
I'm not a fan of people either. IMO, there are way more bad ones than good ones. I prefer to stay at home with my feathered and furred critters...they're the most dependable ones I know.
I'm not a fan of people either. IMO, there are way more bad ones than good ones. I prefer to stay at home with my feathered and furred critters...they're the most dependable ones I know.

I've always felt that people can be mean to me, talk rude to me, try to hurt me...but my animals never will. I too would rather spend my days with my pets and (sometimes) my DH instead of going out with people. Most people would rather spit on you then shake your hand. Sad but true. And talking a walk in the woods is not a smart thing to do anymore unless you have a gun handy, we have just as many freaks in this world as we have a-holes.
You guys are so sad. There are lots of good people out there!! Just look into this site.... good people helping sick chickens...taking in strays. I always smile at strangers and if I'm standing in line, I'll talk to the people standing with me. I'm not afraid to reach out. There's a big beautiful world out there and lots of cool people to meet. Yes, furry and feathered friends are a must in my eye, but they can't take the place of connecting with another human.
If you actually KNEW ME, you would know that I'm not sad. If you don't know someone you shouldn't say things like that. You may think that what I said was sad to you...But I'M not sad.

Now lets just go back and talk about this internet fraud thing, since that's what this thread is about...not telling people to go take a walk!!!
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I'm not sure if someone mentioned this or not, but you can get a free report every year from each of the three agencies. This isn't one of those "FREE... if you signup for our service" things. It is a nationally sponsored program / requirement:


You can get all 3 at once, but I stagger it so I get one from one company and then wait 4 months and get another from another company, etc.

That way I'm checking one of the reports every 4 months which increases how quickly I'd catch something (instead of just once a year).
I went there today and printed up my report and my DH's. We have nothing on ours that's wrong so that's good. It's actually completely free just keep clicking "no thanks" when it asks you to sign up for other stuff.
I agree that there are still good people in the world and you're right, just look at this site...generous people that are quick to share their chicken knowledge and good thoughts! I've learned so much and my chickens thank everyone!
wow-just what you need-more headaches!
Sorry to hear it, and thanks for the warnings!
I had this happen to me in the Spring, on the debit card for the account that my paycheck goes into. I check our accounts daily.
I have purchased everything on the internet from saltwater fish to chicks. I'm not going to stop. My solution is to have a checking account that you use for internet purchases only. (We do not use credit cards). Sign up for internet banking and check it regularly. Mine showed pending purchases to Match.com and a few companies I'd never heard about. My bank was great. We determined which were my purchases and which were someone elses. I signed off and it was a done deal. They issued me a new debit card in days. When I go back to work I will have my paycheck deposited into my other bank.

You can check to see when your debits post, another advantage over credit cards.

Yes, I felt a little disturbed, but the advantages of internet shopping really do far outweigh my temporary discomfort and inconvenience.
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