I hate my town (stray cats and corrupt bureaucrats)

Oh, some rescues do a catch, spay and neuter, release programs. Maybe if you tell them of the problems, they could relocate the cats? I don't know if they would, it was just a thought.

Catch, spay, neuter programs don't relocate the animals, they drop them back to where they were trapped. It just stops the breeding, and the ferals get their shots. It doesn't solve the problem.
If the programs were to relocate, they may get charged with abandonment. And it's kinda foolish to start a problem in someone else's neighborhood. Feral nuisance cats should be caught and euthanized, they are wild animals that adapt to human handouts, spreading disease, preying on native fauna, and making a mess with latrines all over the place.
I say if there are tame cats or kittens which are not vicious and are able to be caught easily possibly because they were a pet recently abandoned and looking for someone to take them in then by all means catch them if you can and adopt them or take them to a shelter where they will have proper vet care and the possiblilty of finding a home, if they are feral wild cats who are killing livestock and wild animals they need to be killed, a feral housecat is an exotic species to most all areas in the US and most who know about wildlife and conservation know that exotic species is one of if not the single most damaging thing to a natural ecosystem, they need to be killed, fixing them won't do any good it is impossible to catch every single stray and spay or neuter it, the ones you miss would reproduce exponentially rendering the spay/neuters which were done pretty much uselss.

I have to say most everyone on this forum enjoys the company of animals or they wouldn't be on here but you have to acknowledge the fact that there is a huge difference between a cared for housepet and a feral exotic species which is killing everything it can to survive, they do a lot of damage to native small animals.
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I think the feral and dumped pet problem, like so many of our societal problems, stems from peoples removal from their food. People have NO IDEA where their food comes from. Sure, they know intellectually (most of the time) that meat doesn't come from the store, that the organically grown, local, non gmo corn they're buying was grown somewhere. But the reality of where their food comes from never effects them.
If it did, if they followed the train of thought back to it's station, they'd realize that wild dogs are a problem for livestock owners, that cats kill small live stock, and that sometimes, you have to kill them.
You can not house a large number of strays in a shelter indefinitely, and some strays and ferals (especially ferals) are completely unadoptable. They want the problem taken care of, but they don't want to know how it's done. They don't want to know the reality of what must be done to fix the problem. They want to think that these animals are living out their lives somewhere happy and well taken care of, forgetting that this all takes money. They want to salve their consciences, but they don't want to open up their wallets to do it, and they don't want to take responsibility for their part in the problem.
(Religious bit here, if religion offends you, stop here) God gave us stewardship over all the plants and animals. The explosion of strays and ferals of *all sorts* is an abuse of that authority and a shirking of that awesome responsibility.
Sorry, rant over.
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@WileE- Poison?! Shoot the **** thing or trap it and call the local SPCA or animal organization, or trap it Then shoot it if u dont like running targets. don't poison the thing. Not only is it a HORRIBLE death... But NOW your going to poison the other animals that decide to eat the dead cat (hawks, bald eagles and other scavengers)... Gotta think of the chain of events and consequences when it comes to poison.
I stand by my statement, I don't see wounded rock chucks or squirrels on the news. I do see cats with arrows sticking out of them. This is always blamed on hunters, giving you and I both a black eye. For me raccoons and skunks are easier targets and also easier to protect my flock against. As cats are diurnal. So great you take the time with your kids to teach them these skills. Not everybody rises to the level of proficiency to be able to successfully target small fast targets with primitive equipment. Mice? I think that the smallest things I've bowhunted were mongoose in Hawaii.
we usually dont shoot targets,mostly stump shoot. Instinctive shooting requires a lot of arrows shot at unknown range to build your mental calculator. Mice is the ultimate animal for this excercise and the most fun. Grasshoppers are another fun target. As a family archery is the best thing for us, all of us can shoot laying on our back or belly,but of course you dont have to draw a longbow all the way back to shoot either. I suggest trying mice you will have a blast, all you need is a rubber blunt or judo point.
I have a feral cat colony on my 3 acre property now. They co exist with my chickens just fine. I love the fact that they are around. For one thing I haven't seen a mouse in the barn in years! Which is fantastic for me since I also have horses, and mice living in the hay and getting into my grain bins could kill my horses with the diseases that they carry. I am also a responsible homeowner who had the entire colony (over the period of a few days) trapped. They were then taken and spayed/neutered, tattooed, and ears notched. Yes, a few females were apparently pregnant, but I prevented anymore from being added to the world. I agree that we have a lot of cats! Since bringing them home, a few got mad I guess and took off or a fox may have gotten them. (they were still kinda young - 6 months or so) but I don't think that we should have a mass killing of feral cats! There was a country that did that once (India maybe?) that got so over run with rats that they had to have cats brought back into the cities to kill them off. Rats and mice and all those other rodents mass produce as well. How would we control that? People are desperately trying to help fix the problem by spaying and neutering these feral cats to stop the reproduction. And as far as them killing endangered species.... All species have their time here on earth. It's a cycle that will one day end for humans as we are today as well. (altho, I'm a believer that humans will be their own demise long before nature decides so). Please, Don't blame the cats for doing what their instincts tell them to do. Seeing animals euthanized is not a good experience. To see them panic and struggle for those last few moments before their bodies shutdown is enough to make u cry. I've witnessed this from working at a vets office, and from having a horse with a broken leg put to sleep. It amazes me how these politicians can use my hard earned tax money for their campaingns every election, but can't toss some money to their state organizations who are trying to help animals. Fund some programs to encourage the guy down the street, who makes barely enough money to take care of his family, to trap those 3 cats that have been hanging around the property and take them to have them spayed/neutered free of charge to him. Most people can't afford $50 per feline to have them fixed. And who would if the cat is some feral hanging around? And those once a year "specials" ain't gonna help a whole lot! The horse industry is horrible!! All these TB race horses being bred year after year after year.... Ever drive down the country and see dozens of those cute youngsters out there playing around in the fields? A handful will be lucky to see a long healthy life. If they don't race well, they sell to who ever. If they don't sell fast, ship to slaughter auctions, break a leg? Dead. And those majestic beasts that run the open plains in the Midwest, and ranches housing the round-ups that the BLM runs, are all rounded up and shipped to slaughter house in Canada and Mexico. Why? Because they are eating endangered plants. Or because some oil company can't run their pipe line underground because that land is protected as long as the horses are occupying it. Solution? Round them up and ship them to slaughter, said the government... The public will never know! Ugh!! Im not an Animal Rights person,I believe in hunting game animals for food and to control the diseases that would otherwise wipe out the species. I believe animals shouldn't suffer. If they are beyond help, or the odds of a good recovery is low, then we should end their misery. A neighbors dog came to my property once, killed my dairy goat, my sheep and ripped apart my female turkey so badly that I couldn't believe the poor girl was still alive and walking! (yes, I put her out of her misery) I also wanted to kill that dog!!! But, it's doing what a dog does, and yes it was for sport, but it's still instinct. I should have made my pen more secure somehow to deter and prevent the dog from getting in (I wasn't home when it all happened. Found the horrific scene when I got home from work) and the stupid people who owned the dog should be held responsible!!
Okay, I'm done now. Sorry!!
Ok rant over!

First of all, hello and welcome to BYC!

I think it's great that the feral cats on your property help you out. That may be an option for those looking to trap, spay/neuter and release...maybe they could find a farm for these animals to reside on where they're a help instead of a problem. I know there are quite a few farmers around here that have a large number of barn cats that do their part in keeping the mice and rats away.

Thing is though, they don't help everyone out. The problem is when they start causing issues like spreading disease, bringing in fleas, killing animals they shouldn't, etc. As far as them killing endangered species, it's not just that, they wipe out the wild bird populations. Think of nature as a set of links...when part of a link is broken, it causes a domino effect. Feral cats are not part of that link. They are an introduced species that's not part of the natural process in those areas. Look at what's happened every time man introduces a species to control a problem, they then end up having to introduce another species to control that species and things get out of control. It's already been proven in areas where there are a large number of feral cats, that they drive the wild bird population down. I don't think anyone should blame the cats though. After all, it's not their fault that someone dumped them and got all of the problems started. Like you said, they're only doing what comes naturally to them. And I agree with you, these politicians should step up to the plate and do something about this instead of turning a blind eye to it.

I don't know what kind of a vet. you worked for, but animals don't panic and struggle if they're euthanized properly. Working as a vet's assistant, I helped in putting a lot of animals to sleep. It was a pretty peaceful thing. If a vet or vet tech. doesn't know what they're doing, then yes, you can end up with animals panicking and struggling before they take their last breath. When done properly, it goes quite quickly. No wonder that upset you so. If I worked for the people you did, I'd be throwing a fit. I'm so sorry you had to witness that. I'm very sorry to hear about that dog killing your animals too.

Oh and I know what you mean about the horses...it's very sad.

Cats can be a difficult problem. I caught one in a leghold trap after something killed one of my birds. I thought that since he'd had such a bad experience, he'd leave and not come back. So I let him go. He's still around, and now my building with the chickens smells like cat urine.

Trapping cats is problematic. A cat in a live trap will probably meow loudly and get somebody's attention. Also, once you catch one you have to make darn sure your rid of it because you won't catch him again. Poison would work better.

Poison may work better, but it's a very painful way for an animal to die. IMO, if you're going to put an animal down, it should be done as quickly and painlessly as possible.
They have one. They're going to spend a LOT of time in it until I can figure out a way to get rid of the cats. Unfortunately, like I said, this will lead to the chickens screaming all day long that there is a cat in the yard. They won't lay, they'll annoy the rest of my neighbors, and the city will make me get rid of them as 'nuisance animals' because they squak in fright for hours on end. They weren't a nuisance until the idiots across the street started feeding every **** stray in a 10 block area!
Not allowed to fire bows in town either. Freakin' sucks. Oh, and heaven forfend if a cat is found with one of your arrows through it! It's felony! Animal cruelty doncha know? Like it isn't cruel to make prey animals live in a constant state of high alert and panic? But it's just a chicken after all

I really need to figure out a way to dispose of these cats. Perhaps trapping them secretly and then taking them out to the country to 'dispose' of them with my 22? Of course, I'd get in bucket loads of trouble for that too. Maybe I should write to my governer or something for a special permit to fire in city limits to protect my livestock.
Get a tom cat of your own. He'll defend your flock and your yard against all other strays. We keep two toms in our yard and have no problems with the many other strays in our neighborhood being in our yard at all. Our toms run them off. Cats are very territorial. ... Just a thought. If you can't fight the fire with water (or bullets), try fighting it with fire.

Not sure what you can do about corrupt beaurocrats though. Not sure you could find one of those to keep in your yard ... at least not one that is rabies free.
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