I hate my town (stray cats and corrupt bureaucrats)

I would kill the cats in some quite fashion be it pellet gun or 22 cb shells, trapping them first may be easiest , just make sure you don't talk to anyone about it and have an area where you can do it away from prying eyes. Do you have a garage? I'm not a huge fan of drowning either but you could put the cage trap in a garbage can and run a hose into the can from the exhaust of your car and gas the darned things to death, I'd think it would probably put them to sleep first then they'd die of carbon monoxide poisoning, I don't know how much pain that would cause if any.

It's hard to believe the city could prevent you from protecting your animals, shooting a gun in the city limits may be illegal but doing so to protect your property or yourself from a vicious animal should waive that petty crime. Many people conceal carry for self defense and discharge guns in cities in defense of themselves or others, I have never heard of them gettin cited for shooting in the city limits? I should think the same applies to defending your chickens and I am sure most judges should see it this way as well.
Jesus, have some empathy. Imagine being drowned yourself. It is a lot less scary and much more quick to die to be shot and killed, than to suffer and take several minutes to be drowned.
carbon monoxide poisoning would be much more peaceful and painless but would pose a potential risk for you/your family unless you had a way of doing it where it wouldn't leak out, i.e. had a big tank.
Dunno, opinions of drowning don't hold water unless you've drowned before. Those that have and been revived recall euphoria after the initial panic prior to inhaling water. But then again, I like the $160 gas piston .22 cal air gun I'd suggested before. Just a great pest and predator control for in town use.
I've never heard euphoria described in a drowning event, it seems to me inhaling water would be painful and quite scary to anything going through that. I have heard plenty of people advocate drowning unwanted animals because to them it is somehow easier and less violent than shooting them, I wouldn't drown anything I think it is one of the more horrible ways to die. People generally talk about drowning skunks so they don't spray everywhere, I don't even do that, I shoot them.
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I am not advocating this however, we have two Japanese Bantam Roos who have become good at chasing stray cats away. We had a cat stalking a hen and before I could do anything about it BAM that cat was broad sided by one ticked off roo. Have not seen that cat since.
I do have empathy. Some other adjectives might be reality, efficiency, safety, as well as the ability to see feasible options. Se of you may have heard there is more than one way to skin a cat, so to speak. Depending on the parameters of your situation you may find one that works better for you. If you have a weapons ban in place, some weapon restriction areas here are wrote and enforced that you cannot use a slingshot! No mechanical, air or powder propelled projectiles. Most people can't hide their cars in the back yard, and I am not advocating running your car in the garage with the door closed. You are right I have never drowned, but I've also never been shot in the head or gassed. Do you think the people in the concentration camps just went to sleep? They were found in piles fighting. It is just another solution to a given problem it is up to you to find the best one for you given the parameters in which live.
Get a large dog and train it to not eat the chickens. I have had quite a few that would not abide with stray cats in the yard...then you can KSS...Kill, shovel, shut up. Our last dog used to take out 5 or 6 a month. I didn't realize how bad the stray cat issue was until he was gone...and then they were everywhere. We have since moved, and are more out in the country now...I haven't seen any stray cats, but they might be better at hiding.

Even a pet cat when not kept inside is simply a predator...to birds, mice, shrews, rats anything they can grab a hold of they will catch and eat...

Every once in awhile he would grab someone's pet cat that came into the yard, in which case I would apologize that the cat unknowingly came into our yard that was a cat free zone...I guess "your" cat didn't get the memo...oh well, too late now. I mean I was never rude, but I was never terribly sorry. He was just doing his job protecting us from the meowing masses. he never left our yard, and it's like he could hear a cat foot hit our grass and off he would go. Mind you he lived, ate and slept with 2 housecats, and never ever even looked at them strangely. He knew those were our cats...the outside cats would hiss and growl at us...so he started eating them all. I don't see the harm. I mean we know most of the country has a stray cat problem...so why not ask people to kill them...it isn't like cats are going to go extinct...why not hunt them for their fur, because a feral cat and a housecat are not at all the same...try picking up a feral cat...you'll lose an eye... Or see what happens to a housecat that gets in a fight with a stray cat...they are like super cats. I say kill them in whatever works for you, and is easier to hide if that is what you have to do. I like yard dogs to dispose of anything that is unwanted in the yard...
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I've never heard euphoria described in a drowning event, it seems to me inhaling water would be painful and quite scary to anything going through that. I have heard plenty of people advocate drowning unwanted animals because to them it is somehow easier and less violent than shooting them, I wouldn't drown anything I think it is one of the more horrible ways to die. People generally talk about drowning skunks so they don't spray everywhere, I don't even do that, I shoot them.
I have heard that drowning is actually pretty darn fast...I mean one gulp of water and it's all over...your lungs are defunct and then you are dead...So probably not as awful as one might think...there is no way I would try to drown a cat though...unless it was in a bag...

That is the first lyrics in one of my favorite songs by ben harper..
Although I think the song was done by the verve first, but you can't beat Ben Harper if you ask me.


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