I hate some E BAY sellers .. UPDATE

How can someone guarantee fertility? I understand being upset about the way the eggs were packed and I think I would address that with the seller, but no one out there knows FOR SURE if the egg is fertile.
I recieved the eggs i bought from you and was not happy with the pacakaging and the eggs were not well packaged, i asked some family members to take a look and they also noted that the eggs were too small for the holes provided for them to sit in while in transit , so i candled the eggs and most displayed floating air sacks which are a sign that the egg will not develop , after contacting you on ebay i recieved no respnse so i contacted you again and you sent me this reply

"In reply to all of your correspondence, it does state on my advert that i DO NOT GUARANTEE fertility! I believe that my product was received by you in tip top condition etc. i believe that you successfully hatched two birds. I believe that you did not pay an excessive amount for these eggs. I do not have surplus Vorwerk eggs to send as a replacement but i do state again not guaranteeing fertility. If you have been left with potentially two hens they could be worth over £12/bird. Please now leave me alone before i have to take further action. Diane

the customer service skills recieved from the byer was not of a good standard.


I'm only 18 so .. really new to the whole chicken thing lol
i updated post one with what i sent her ..

and also added a post with what i am going to send pay pal
m8, a detached air cell can happen to eggs that are packaged from zeus... the thing that really peevs me is when they irradiate and xray eggs that are shipped
JMO.... but a loose pack job can make it worse..... It's not a smoking gun though.
it's her attitude lol ..... just because she was so snappy! .... ahh well ... .let's see what happens!
EBay is definitely a buyers tool in my experience. Since booking ourselves on our first cruise I've been selling a lot of stuff on EBay to try and make up for some of the costs.

I can't stand the anxiety involved for EBay sellers... and the sad part is that we're not protected. A Buyer can be dishonest and very rarely does the seller have any protection.

I've had 1 buyer say that an item I sold looked nothing like the pictures - ummm... it was the exact item and I used a cellphone camera to take the pictures - so I was flipping out because on my auction it said "No Refunds... All Sales Final", but apparently EBay said I didn't have a leg to stand on if the person pushed it. Thankfully they left me positive feedback and life went on.

I am in the throws of a second issue right now... bidder without any feedback won a bid and then proceeded to not respond or send payment until day 6... my auctions clearly state that payment is requested within 24 hours of winning bid. So now I'm having minor panick attacks that I'm going to get negative feedback.

There is no making anyone happy these days.

Sorry... just had to get that off my chest. I'm going to need medication after this selling stuff on EBay stint.
.. but seriously ... this one is a bad egg lol .. i have bought eggs that did not hatch but was happy with everything left positive feed back ... understanding it was the postal system
I would leave negative feed back about the customer service, or lack there of, and the lack of prompt response to your concern. Unfortunately, the rest is luck of the draw. I have had some shipped eggs wrapped beautifully and hatched not a single bird and I've had them sent loose in a box of popcorn and had a very good hatch rate. It's all "buyer beware" on shipped eggs.

I dont' know how you can guarantee anything either.....definately not hatch rate. And I'd question a fertility guarantee as well. How do they know each egg was fertile? What if the rooster forgot a hen or there are too many hens per roo. Seems to be shooting yourself in the foot to make a promise like that. Air sacs detatch and egg cells die in transit. It may have been fertile when it left the seller, but depending on age, distance, handling - all that contributes to the killing of the cell.
Can't you rate the seller on Ebay?

I ordered eggs from my pet chicken. Each egg was wrapped to fit snugly into the carton because they were to small for the carton. The carton was wrapped and nestled inside the middle of the box surrounded by a wall of papers on all sides. I don't think those eggs moved until I took them out of the carton. They also had the box very well marked on the outside to alert the postoffice of the fragile content. I ordered six eggs, 7 were shipped and five of the seven hatched but two of the chicks did not make it. So I have three chicks and I am happy.

From the little I have read on the hatching posts the eggs being shipped loosly probably caused the low hatch rate. Chalk it up to experience but if you can rate the seller and save the next person the trouble you just experienced maybe that would help help you feel better knowing you have alerted future people about the poor quality maybe not in eggs but in my view shipping.

I hope you get a hen. I have my fingers crossed that one of my three chicks is a hen.

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