I HAVE A MOUSE, I GOT IT, l have won the war

I should of said it ate threw a loaf of bread. It had a small hole in it and the bread was all over the strainer just like the beans. It was like it was trying to get to the good stuff. It didn't eat a half of loaf. Sorry
citygirlinthecountry, did YOU get YOUR mouse? I thought I would be nice and find a live trap. Looked all over and found one at TSC. It was out for 2 days, nothing. TONIGHT we had stuffed peppers. I sat them on the stove DH couldn't wait for me to get it on the table so he sat his plate down and moved the radio. There it went. It was on the counter. Now I have the live trap and two thats going to hurt and lets not forget the glue trap under the stove top. I put PB on one and gress on the other one. Any guess's on what one it will like better. hehehe
If I don't get that thing tonight my stove will be moved tomorrow and I WILL FIND IT.
Grrrrrr. NO! The darn thing(s) are now licking the peanut butter off the &%^&*@!! traps. The exterminator came out on Monday and put some sort of dust down under the house that theoretically they don't like. I still have one living in the cabinets though.

I put down two glue traps with the snap trap in the corner. There's a dab of peanut butter in the middle of one of the glue traps and on the snap trap. They should have to walk across the glue to get to the snap trap peanut butter. That's my plan for tonight. We'll see. I am really tired of washing all my dishes everyday. ARGGGG!!!!

I hate them. Hate them, hate them, hate them. If the glue traps don't work them I'm going to empty the cabinets and lock the cats in there. Stupid cats need to earn their supper anyway. Little freeloaders.
put a small peice of bologna or any kind of lunch meat on the trap. if that does not work get you some Tom Cat mouse and rat bait they sell it at wal mart it is 2.97 a box comes in little squares we got infested with mice and that is before we got the chickens I had them hanging on my curtains in my living room!!! I bought the tom cat they ate it and started dropping like flies! but the bologna on the trap works also if the mouse is not to small and can eat it without setting the trap off
I'm hesitant to put out poison as there are three freeloading cats and two idiot dogs in the house. My luck they would either eat the poison or get motivated and eat a poisoned mouse.
I have 5 chihuahua's in my house I put it where they can not get to it under your house behind the stove under the sink. I also have free loading cats they won't even catch a mouse so I don't worry about that they wont even get a bird or anything like that all they want is rabbits!
We get mice in the fall - every year. I hear them partying in the attic. I set out lots of d-con pellets in the attic only. It usually takes about a week before the attic is quiet again. I have never found or smelled a dead mouse and I have 2 cats and a dog. All three alive and kicking.
Never had any luck with peanut butter or cheese, mine loved bacon. I am not the best house keeper in the place and left a skillet with bacon grease in it and next morning found nibbles in the pan.

I TIED bacon on a snap trap and lo and behold I caught the little bugger.

Good Luck!!
I forgot to say, I talked to my DD today and she said put peppermint around the house they don't like the smell. That's my next move. I'm sitting here trying not to jump out of my skin when the trap snaps. AND I KNOW IT WILL. hehehehehe I have all the lights out in the kitchen. D-con will be next thing after the peppermint and I move the stove.
If a mouse is able to lick the peanut butter (or other treats) off the trap without tripping it you have to play around bending the wire on the trap to make it hair trigger. If it's too hard to trip the spring the darned mouse will just eat the goodies and go about it's merry way. The good thing is you have now trained that mouse to find good things in the trap. Then when you get the trap to go off easily you got the sucker. Then keep setting traps, because if you have one mouse, you have a whole fam damily. The other way they can be eating the food off the traps and either not tripping them (or if they do trip them but don't get caught) may be because they are still half grown. Just keep setting the traps, they grow up quickly and will get caught in about a week.

The mouse may have won the battle, but you will win the war!

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