I HAVE A MOUSE, I GOT IT, l have won the war

I dont know about birds and GP but my sister has a cat and a dog and the plug in things dont bother them at all.
Id give it a try its worth a shot if you put one or two in eatch room or maybe just rooms wehre there is soemthing tempting .
Get those plastic snap traps. We have them all over! Last night the cat brought me a mouse in a snap trap. "Good evening sunshine ... have a mouse." She went into the basement to get it and dropped it by my bedroom door. 3 am mouse flushing ... the new Olympic sport! Back to the trap ..... I put peanut butter in it. In two weeks I have caught three in the house. I don't know why they want in the house? There is plenty of food outside.
Insulting comment removed.

Okay, that's just *NOT NICE* ... She needs to get a mouse outta her house... which is a very reasonable request.. let's keep it CIVIL for crying out loud!!! I don't really think intelligence has anything to do with it...

I forsee a "locked thread"
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The plug in things are not supposed to bother cats and dogs, only pets like guineas that are also rodents. Unfortunately I don't think they bother rodents either; I wouldn't wast my money.

Glue traps do make for unpleasant deaths, and I resisted them for a long time, but they also work a whole lot better than snap traps, in my experience. My cat is a pretty good mouser if she sees it, but plenty of them get past her line of vision in my house.

You said one ate half a loaf of bread. That's a WHOLE lot more than one.

There is a type of poison that is supposed to be safe for whatever animal happens to eat the dead mouse. Have not tried this. Believe you said you can't have cats. If you have no pets, I'm afraid that with your infestation I would go with poison.

Just keep at it, and seal all the holes coming in the house that you can find. Duct tape, steel wool, caulk, whatever.

Good luck.
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I always try to make the neighbor's houses look more appetizing.

So far, locking up all the food in glass or plastic (and having 2 cats) has done the trick.

The birds in the attic were another story entirely

but they are gone now. Hardware cloth over all the holes solves a LOT of problems!!!!!
This is smart, I agree, and I mostly do this, but have been known to put a box of something on the pantry shelf at times.... And if they are determined enough, they will chew through plastic. My chicken feed, stored in my coop, is in galvanized garbage cans for this reason.

Plus -- they will eat the grease drippings, crumbs, etc. under the fridge and stove. OK, maybe I should pull them out every week and clean, but I don't.

Guess I need another cat or two.
Yep, but if the neighbors are just using the cardboard boxes from the store that's a whole lot easier than chewing through the plastic. Ya really don't have to make it mouse PROOF, just harder to get to than the neighbor's stuff. Kinda like outrunning your friend when the bear is chasing you.

Works great in the city, but if the nearest neighbor is miles away, this plan doesn't work so well.
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That is FUNNY
!! I was a Zookeeper by trade for 15+ yrs, and we always used to say that you "don't need to be the FASTEST gazelle in the herd, you just need to be faster than the SLOWEST one...!!!!!"

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