I have a question regarding the wording changes in posts

Well that too!

But maybe we could coin a BYC-only term -- LEO Laughing Egg Out. It can mean whatever you imagine it means.
Think happy thoughts! An acronym is only as offensive as you believe it to be.

LMAO -- Laughing My Appendage Off

Note: An appendage is an external body part, or natural prolongation, that protrudes from an organism's body, such as a vertebrate's limbs.

Good idea! I'll try
I know it's hard, but why let someone else's words/thoughts ruin your day or pollute your mind? This isn't easy, but in all honesty I have found that it comes down to that at the end of the day. Especially nowadays. I think there is something out there (one click away) that will offend just about anyone. Do you let it destroy your opinion of how things ought to be or of others?

Bad language doesn't bother me, but there are other things in this world that do.
And all I wanted to know was "what makes crap (you know, the cr word) so much different than poop, LOL.
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I'm a site-wide moderator on a Harley forum with 50K members.
I have seen every kind of attitude, and every conceivable intentional misspelling ( to get the point past the auto-censors) that you can imagine.
My primary section to moderate is the Religious section, and I lend a hand in the Political section. That is where I spend most of my time.

This forum is a breath of fresh air. Why?
Because it does not have either of the above-mentioned sections.

One man's meat is another's poison. The admins here have set the rules. We are guests. It is not a democracy, but rather a theocracy.
Democracies always become too complicated and eventually fall.
Theocracies are far more trouble free and easier to manage.

I like this place just like it is. Thanks guys.

Some people feel they're not experiencing life unless they're embroiled in something unpleasant.

What an awesome quote! Mind if I use it? I feel that way about most people in my "real" life!

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