I have a question regarding the wording changes in posts

Some people feel they're not experiencing life unless they're embroiled in something unpleasant.

Lets name some names. Afterall, we don't want to hurt everyones feelings by letting them wonder who it is you guys are taking jabs at.
Some people feel they're not experiencing life unless they're embroiled in something unpleasant.

Lets name some names. Afterall, we don't want to hurt everyones feelings by letting them wonder who it is you guys are taking jabs at.

That is a VERY BAD idea. Dependent on who does the naming the list would be very different in content and just start a war that is not needed or wanted here.
Lets name some names. Afterall, we don't want to hurt everyones feelings by letting them wonder who it is you guys are taking jabs at.

That is a VERY BAD idea. Dependent on who does the naming the list would be very different in content and just start a war that is not needed or wanted here.

right..but..why is it okay to make jabs at others though?..thats really my one compliant on here...why make a comment like that?...how are people supposed to react to that type of comment?..just because some people actually have opinions on things..not just.."guess what i dreamed about last night"...or whatever.....why not just be an adult..and say it to them, if you have a such a problem with them that you have to post jabs?...
...or BETTER yet..dont make jabs at others....that would solve the whole problem...
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that is exactly what i was getting at. I'm feeling a bit ganged up on... if i'm NOT the one being referred to, i'd be happy to hear that... If i'm being censored and shut down based on things I say, what gives anyone else the right to attack someone else, but since they didn't name any names, it's ok. I didn't ask for names to be named to start a fight, i was merely pointing out that the offhanded, directionless remarks aren't doing anyone any good. If someone has an issue with me, just tell me. I'm not looking for a fight, contrary to what ya'll might think. If i come on and reply to a political post with "i disagree with 'SOMEONE' on here" does that make it better and less racey all of a sudden? I'll reply to a specific post, directly, not beat around the bush to make myself seem innocent. Sorry, if i'm not one of the ones that comes on here to rub everyones bellys, but if i see something i disagree with, i'll mention it. There have been plenty of times i've agreed with folks... trouble for most people is, that the person i'm agreeing with is usually someone who is DISAGREEING with the norm, here. If i didn't think something was worth discussing, i wouldn't say anything at all. If i didn't care what was going on, i wouldn't be posting. If i wanted to just rant and rave about how great Obama is or how i think children should under NO circumstance be holding a loaded machine gun, then i very well could go to a different board and air my views there. I haven't been here all that long, but in the short time i HAVE been here, i've learned that this is a tightknit community full of people who care about each other and their families. That's why ANY of us would want to be a part of it. Debate is normal and healthy as long as it remains civil, which it mostly has, from what i've seen here. Kids that grow up living in a sheltered home or in a bubble created by their parents usually become socially inept adults that fear anything that's different. For the most part, we are adults and don't need to be sheltered by the moderators to this degree. I understand they are doing their jobs by trying to protect people... but i feel like it's just "life" that they are trying to protect us from. Thanks to the mods for letting this thread stay open, also. This is exactly the kind of thread i was hoping would stay open for people to have a friendly discussion in. People on this board shouldn't be afraid of what others might think if they post something that is on their minds that might not be of the warm and fuzzy nature. Warm and fuzzy is always nice, but life ain't always that way, unfortunately.
Speaking as someone who has locked up a few threads in my day,
I sometimes have to roll my eyes at the overly sweet stuff and some of the religious stuff makes me uncomfortable at times.
That said, I'm disaggreeing (sp?) with the bits of your post above.
You are correct that the world is not always a wonderful place, however, I feel it is always a parents' right to decide what their children are exposed to, even if someone else thinks otherwise.
I find it comforting that any kid can come here and poke around without finding anything objectionable. That can't be said for many other forums. It's also nice that the sensitive, shy and innocent here have some protection from the sarcastic and cynical (like me
) because all of us have something to offer. I've come to view this site as a sort of haven where you can ask a dumb question about your chickens and not get trounced. There's a lot of helpful people here, there have been times when I've needed it and received it pretty quickly. That's enough to keep me from voicing my more aggravating opinions......
it IS indeed a parents right, agreed... I was merely speaking of MY personal belief. Believe me, i do plenty of things with my daughter that her mom wishes i didn't. But that's the great thing about having two parents... more exposure to more stuff is good for kids, in my opinion. This all just comes with the understanding that whatever decisions we make for our children, we as parents have to live with the results...good or bad.

See how fun it is to debate?! We're all still friends! Lets hug!
It is a forum rule that problems between members NOT be addressed on the forum. If people take things said generally to be about themselves personally that is usually up to them.

For example, when I read the post about "some people just come to post where there are debates" I didn't think it spoke to anybody specifically, but that's just my own interpretation.

If there are problems with a post or another member, either contact the member via PM or report the issue to the staff. We will not allow personal attacks on BYC.
Well, we found the old site some years back when we were trying to save our BBB poult. We have continued to stick around owing to the overall simpatico with other members regarding chooks and their ilk (like `em). If we had problems with 99% of other members over 99% of everything else under the sun, well, we'd still be here for the 1% that is relevant and meaningful here (that 1% washes away all other sins
). Rob and the mods focus the beam on that 1% and make it shine. When I've wandered out of the light (I used to sin with asterisks) I expect to be whacked. If anyone has a problem with the filter(s) (mechanical and organic) and finds a word changed sufficiently to alter one's meaning:

"Sic is a Latin word meaning "thus", "so", "as such", or "just as that". In writing, it is placed within square brackets and usually italicized—[sic]—to indicate that an incorrect or unusual spelling, phrase, punctuation, and/or other preceding quoted material has been reproduced verbatim from the quoted original and is not a transcription error."

There is more loose on the internet/web than there is to know about, this is the only `message' board I have time to frequent (and I'm constantly running into those of you with thousands of posts for the first time). I'll post the pic below again, as it pretty much illustrates my `feelings' about the matter:

*If I have to start calling Chief Sitting Bull `the slightly recumbent gentleman cow' I'll kick (gilded age was extreme)
**The IGNORE feature? I was delivered out of the box with that installed

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