I have chicken fever (What breed are you obsessed with these days)

Hmm right row I am obsessed with a single bird, I hatched out a silkie pullet she is only 3 1/2 months old but she is perfect i just sit and pet her

as far as what I want mottled d'anvers I have some spangled Oegbs now but I would have to get rid of them for some d'anvers
Hmm...my newest obsessions include...

bantam BLRW,
Tolbunt/Buff-laced/etc. banty Polish (I ain't picky),
SULTANS (always),
White Silkies,
Really poofy Showgirls,
Rumpless Golden Duckwing Araucana bantam hens (tufted),
Cornish bantams,
Lavender Cochin bantams,
Dark Brahmas,
Blue Golden Duckwing American Game Bantam roos,
Porcelain d'Uccles,
La Fleche roos,
Lemon Blue OEGB roo.

And yet, I'm not getting any of them.
But we can dream...
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OOh, buckeyes are so regal!!

Polish Princess, Thanks for the list... a googling I will go!!
I've always have liked the looks of Speckled Sussex chickens, but was too late to order them last year. Sooooo..... I just ordered some, today!!!! I also have liked Silkies, like many, many, other people, sooooo... I ordered some, today too!!!!! I'm soooooo excited!!!!
Should get them towards the end of Oct. Other than that, I have become fond of EEs. I have two and really have fallen in love with the personality, plus how they can come in so many different color variations. They were out of them for the season, otherwise, I would of ordered some more too.
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I made a list of what I NEED! I NEEDed eye candy and a colorful array of eggs in my basket!

I started out w/ the reg chickens: Buff Orpingtons, Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rocks, Easter Eggers and true Ameraucanas.. All my Ameraucanas and EE died and Several of my brown egg layers died SOOOO, I decided to add to my flock.. I found really nice Black Copper Marans and purchased two hens, I found true Ameraucana chicks and purchased 4 Black and 7 Blue---straight run...Hoping to end up w/ 5 hens...

NOW, I am looking for a few SLW (I love the black and white feathering) and a few Light Brown Leghorns (for the white eggs --and I love their color)..

When all is said and done- I hope to have blue eggs, light brown, med brown and very dark brown, beige and white eggs.. I will have black and white feathers, dark red, buff, black, blue and brown hens running around.. I think I wouldn't have any problem finding a good roo for any of these IF I decided to breed and raise them...
Orpingtons - all kinds .......buff, blue, black, splash and Lavendar and......those split black/lav too
Speckled sussex
Heritage breeds - Mahogany RIR, barred rocks, etc of all kinds
easter eggers
Marans.....love them all....black copper marans, wheaten marans, blue/black/splash marans
white leghorns - love the looks of those combs !
(So I'm happy because I have these birds!)

Okay I don't need any more chicks, but I want some really top top top line of silkies....So I can take some to a show, I don't bring my regular girls to a show.....
I'm also looking at the mille fleu white leghorns and fascinated with them.
I also want to do a RIR & br cross for the spring.
Haven't told hubby of all the latest because I need to give the poor man a break from buying feed and making pens....Smile. But he loves me so he won't mind!
Great thread and if you need any hatching eggs, I'll sell you some so I can buy more eggs!!! for hatching.....and more feed for feeding....
Have a fun and blessed day.

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