I Just Don't Understand!!

8 years old is not too young. My son was making grilled cheese and scrambled eggs at that age.

Wow... Lucky you! I always watch "Little House on the Prairie". Those kids did everything (cooking, cleaning, harvesting the field) at 6 years old. Can we go back in time??
They (Men) do it on purpose so you don't ask for help in the kitchen EVER, EVER again!!
I don't fall for it though. I say waste not want not. Eat it.
Then they do it right!
There are so many things that an 8 year can cook. Help the child make a pizza with store bought dough and next thing you know she will want to do it herself. Same with any easy recipe! Cookies are something kids love to cook.My son deosn't necessairly follow recipes but he can feed himself really well. Burgers, sandwiches, burritos, enchiladas, eggs, and he knows how to use the crock pot too.
Henry'schickens :

They (Men) do it on purpose so you don't ask for help in the kitchen EVER, EVER again!!
I don't fall for it though. I say waste not want not. Eat it.
Then they do it right!

Oh, so its similar to "changing diapers"...
Culinary school may be a little drastic, especially for him. Just the basics would be great. Eggs, toast, boxed pancakes etc. I do ALL the BBQ'ing too! A man should know how to cook on a grill right?

I do all the BBqing too--HANDS OFF THE GRILL!!! Everyone knows that in my house...yes they do it on purpose-but we love them! I did most of the house work today after washing the mud off from digging chicken fence posts!!! I did it all today so that I will touch NOTHING tomorrow-I already forwarned-I will not touch a dish-a stitch of laundry-a puddle of puppy pee-or any food at all-I will not cook-I did go to culinary school too!! Mother's day consists of coffee in bed...vegging i=on this website before church..church--off to take my mother out with siblings for lunch...back home to work on chicken coop--thats the one thing I want a finished pen!!!
CITNW----you got lucky;) My DH took our kids hunting when they could barely walk. He HAD to learn how to change diapers. It was a sacrifice he was willing to make just to take his little ones out to experience the wildlife.
Culinary school may be a little drastic, especially for him. Just the basics would be great. Eggs, toast, boxed pancakes etc. I do ALL the BBQ'ing too! A man should know how to cook on a grill right?

I do all the BBqing too--HANDS OFF THE GRILL!!! Everyone knows that in my house...yes they do it on purpose-but we love them! I did most of the house work today after washing the mud off from digging chicken fence posts!!! I did it all today so that I will touch NOTHING tomorrow-I already forwarned-I will not touch a dish-a stitch of laundry-a puddle of puppy pee-or any food at all-I will not cook-I did go to culinary school too!! Mother's day consists of coffee in bed...vegging i=on this website before church..church--off to take my mother out with siblings for lunch...back home to work on chicken coop--thats the one thing I want a finished pen!!!

I am afraid to go to culinary school. I would definately gain too much weight! Coffee in bed sounds real nice!

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