I just had a freaking FOX in my house!!!

they like to kill them I think it is a competition for food thing they are kina like a cat that has killed a mouse though once they realize the toy is broke they get bored and look for another one I have never found fox to eat cats but bobcats have no problems with eating them . the bobcats will kina bury what they do not eat and come back later.
Glad we don't have a dog door. We live in a neighborhood, but we've heard reports of foxes really close to us, and my dad has spotted foxes running through neighbors' yards, as well. It's a little freaky, but it helps that we have a chain-link fence and a mutt that kills - or at least tries to kill - anything smaller than her.

If that ever happened to us, the cops would probably have the entire neighborhood under a lockdown.
A semiauto .22 on one end and a pump-action 12 gauge on the other, that little booger wouldn't have made it out in one piece at our house - he'd probably end up looking like hamburger.
Sounds like your place has fun nights.
Let's delve a little deeper.

Is your cat large, red, and/or possibly in heat?


Ummm...NO!! He is small, orange and white, and fixed! LOL! The ferret was also in there, but he's also male and neutered.
And luckily, he was in a cage!

As far as the dogs, if any of you are familiar with Boston Terriers, you know they sleep under the covers, and don't get up after they are burrowed in!
LOL! I never heard it. I just got up to lock up the chickens. I only heard it when I got to the door, which was a few feet away from the cat door.

I'm hoping I scared it enough that it won't come back. I blocked the door, but the Boston keeps reopening it. Thanks for the responses! Some of them have been hilarious! Others would have made me pee! LOL!

Let's delve a little deeper.

Is your cat large, red, and/or possibly in heat?


I'm not sure if that's hilarious or disgusting. I'm gonna go with hilarious.
I gave up on pet doors after I heard kitchen noises late one night and found a full grown raccoon up on the counter, pre-washing the dishes!

I later trapped her in a live trap. This was waaaaaay back when, before I had chickens, so I relocated her to the river in Austin. I was driving a 1969 Hillman Husky at the time, which required focus, with the trapped raccoon in the trap in the back seat. Holding the gearshift in place, since it had a tendency to pop out, working a grumpy clutch, watching out for people angry because I couldn't go faster, being saluted by all who passed me...... and I felt something on my right arm, the one holding the shifter.

Uhm..... why hello, Ms. Raccoon. No need to get alarmed (meanwhile my heart is bouncing all over inside me and my stomach has left the building), It's okay, we're just going for a ride to a really nice place by the river..... then a light turns red and I have to stop.

She waves howdy to the cars around us then decides to investigate the floor. Under the pedals. Light turned green, I made it as far as 2nd gear. And made the last 12,000 miles in 2nd gear. Really only another 1.5 miles, but it felt like forever. Waiting for those teeth to get me.

Finally made it to the river, stopped the car and climbed out in slo-mo, leaving the door open. She checked out the Hillman for a while and FINALLY wandered out, sniffing the air. Ambled off to the river. I went home to a bottle of wine and my hammock.
Even as a chicken owner I love raccoons. I don't really understand why people say they would be scared if they found a fox in their house. Startled, yes, but scared? It's not a wolf.

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