I KNOW Im silly, but what do you guys think?

I wouldn't wear the cutoffs because they look sloppy. As a former software engineer, I think I'd likely wear a khaki skirt with a nice button down Oxford blouse and some sort of Wellington boot. In the winter I'd recommend a nice Stewart plaid skirt. I've even been known to wear my university tie with a four in hand knot. Not the most feminine look, but Anglophilia is fashionable - as a British friend told me, she went up at least three social classes in the US just for her accent. B^)
I would go with what you normally wear everyday caring for your chckens...but maybe spruce it up a bit. Not sure what your style is but a sundress could be nice too...
I'd vote for a nice, casual, comfy sundress (mid-length, not too short or long) and either the cowboy boots or a pair of Wellie boots. Or maybe even a nice pair of garden clogs? I'd keep things reasonably practical, but with a little bit of style tossed in. Sure, you probably wouldn't wear a dress to tend to your birds. But it is TV afterall. You want to look nice!

How exciting!
The whole point of bringing urban farming to the masses is to show people that it's for everyone. So, I'd dress in a casual but nicer outfit, something like you'd normally wear. Then, if you'd normally throw on muck boots with your nicer outfit (and haven't we all done this to do a chicken check) I'd do that. Show people that chicken raising is for everyone, in every lifestyle. It's a great opportunity to teach!
I definitely think a cute sun dress with cowboy boots!! It think it's awesome when we women take the time now and then to look feminine. I know that if I had the chance to be featured in the way you are, I'd definitely go feminine!! I'd even be sure to have a pretty fresh flower clipped into my hair as well.

BTW...did you ever the the bugs under control? And also, how's the bare coop floor going?

Kelly ✿◠‿◠
You should wear BYC University tshirt and jeans.

I get so many comments when I wear my tshirts I've ordered from BYC.
People love them.
When I go out with my birds I'm usually wearing my fancy jeans and a band shirt or some other silly tshirt...like Labyrinth or Daria...
When I go out with my shag hair all spiked....people are shocked enough as it is...when I go to the farm store to buy chicken food, people look at me like I'm the strangest thing they've ever seen out here. I'm from a large city...we had some style. xD
I may not look the part, but I act it. The next stereotype based on how I look and having chickens/other critters is that I'm cruel. HA! Far from that!
Just be yourself, let them think what they want. When you start talking, any bad thoughts should go away. (If any appear at all!)
I think the dress with the boots sounds cute!
f its urban backyards, and your trying to relay the message that ANYONE can have chickens. Dont encourage the hick stereotype. Just my opinion..
x2!!! I definitely agree!! Just stay within your norm. That way you are comfortable in your own skin too and not trying to show something you are not.

My DH and I may be doing on the tour, haven't decided yet. GOOD LUCK!!!!

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