I love me a scary movie....but....

considering what you've shared about your neighbors, I agree with you -- you don't want to go with any of your "friendly neighbors". They're already off the deep end; that could give them a total psychotic break.
What?! NO, Bambi is even worse!! OMG, I still can't not cry... oh, now that would give me nightmares!

Yeah, Turney31, I don't need the movie turning into the real thing. I'm better off alone, lol.
Laurajean, I haven't been to a movie in years. My daughter didn't want to watch it alone. So she called momma. HAHA I want you to know it was the most scary, I think, ever. Just so realistic.
We were both a hot mess when we left the theatre. The audience was loud with reactions, don't remember that in other flics. Occasionally, but not like this. They did good on this one.

I happened to read a short article about it and I guess the actress that plays the girl actually does all those physical contortions! That is, they aren't computer generated or fakes, she actually flips upside down and backwards, etc. I thought that gained some merit right there! Maybe that helped add to the realism? I just hate most modern movies where they get so carried away with computer generated effects that it loses all seriousness.
I don't really like scary/disaster movies.
our world is so hooked on scary movies that when/if the real thing happens people think it's a movie.
Now THAt is scary.
So listen to this: I decided to go to the movies tonight, but when I got there I found out the starting time for the last exorcism was different than I thought, so I decided to see the 3D Avatar instead. I hadn't seen Avatar, so figured this was a good chance to see it on the big screen. $12.50 later, for just me, OMG, what a Bore-fest! I'm sure this won't be popular with most people because everyone seems to love it, but I was so bored that I literally walked out on the movie and complained to management. Fortunately I got a cool kid/manager who said "So you have a MEDICAL EMERGENCY AND NEED TO LEAVE??" I agreed, sensing his lead that this was the only route to a refund. Sure enough, he had me sign something saying that I had to leave due to a personal emergency and gave me my money back. As he handed me my money I said, "Is it just me? Does anyone else find that movie to be boring as heck?" He said no, that no one but me thought that Avatar was bad.
Ever see "The Strangers" ...? Based on a true story. I still get the heebie jeebies about it.

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