I love my Hotwing (pics)

I have three BLRWs- Hotwing, Nugget and Potpie. Went with a "theme".

The Silkies are named after celebrities, the cochins after movie characters, and the "randoms" are named after TV characters.
ROFL that made me laugh NUGGET!! Thats a perfect name.

I always take some people aback when they point at one of my meat birds and goes whats his name. I look at the bird the tell them hes July 4th.... They look at me funny July 4th? Yea I say "Its when Im gona eat him"

I name all my meat animals for the day they will be harvested, my regular pets get names if they are distinctive or friendly. The masses go unamed for the most part.


HOTWING FTW!!! (for the win)

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