i need help please!


11 Years
Apr 27, 2008
Hello I have a question and Im wondering if someone can help me out.
We have a baby chick that we found outside without a mother around we have had it since friday. The problem is the thing wont sleep. How do you get it to sleep.?????? the first two days we were wrapping it in a small blanket and laying it on our chest. but now that isnt working . it wants to be held all the time. it cant be no older then a week old. we were keeping it in a box and putting a heat lamp over it. then we thought maybe the box was to small so we put it in a cage with hay, alittle sleeping bed and the heat lamp and its making more noise now then before... PLEASE HELP!!!
It's lonely. Do you know of anyone who would take it with a bunch of recently hatched chicks? Or you could find one and keep them for yourself? They really do like company. Do you have everything to feed it correctly?
Week old chicks need to be under a heat lamp at about 90-95 degrees. They need chick starter and fresh water in something it can't jump into and drown. And maybe a small stuffed animal to keep it company and a mirror. They are very social creatures and need others usually. Maybe head out to a feed store and pick up a buddy for it. Good luck!!
A cardboard box works good for a brooder, it keeps the heat in well, they can't see things that scare them, and you toss it when they move out. You might stick a thermometer in there to see if it's warm enough, since it's over a week old the temp should be around 98* right under the light. Put it an a corner so the baby can get away if it's too hot. For a single chick a mirror often helps so it doesn't feel alone and even a small stuffed animal is good to give it something to cuddle with. Chicks need to cuddle so try to put it close to the light but not too close as it might overheat. Other than that, starter food and fresh water is about all that's needed. If you could, and want to, pick up 1 or 2 chicks at a feed store for company, chicks are flock animals an need company.
its lonely....what ive done is put a mirror in there!!!it really works! also put a feather duster for it to sleep under...it will think its its mom and it will see itself in the mirror and think its another chick! ive done this before and it worked great! no more lonelyness and peepin 24/7 ....make sure featherduster is clean
Thank you all for helping me out.... it had 2 other siblings but the day my brother found them a wild cat grab the other 2 of them.. I wasnt to sure what to do . I told my brother to take it and go put it with the local roosters in hens that roam the yards around here , but then the feed store and online told me that they will kill it. so we took the 1 in the house and decided to raise it. we did buy the hay, chick starter feed and a water thing that it cant fall in and drown,
Im going to have to see about getting another chick i feel so bad. is it normal for the mom hens to leave babies behind when walking threw yards? there is a wild bunch of them that just roam around the block. do you think that when this chick is older it would venture off with them????
:| OK so I found another baby yesterday outside a bit from its mother maybe from the same batch of eggs same size and everythingfor the chick that we already have from friday. So it was raining out yesterday and it was cold here in the lower 40's the chick was laying in wet leaves when i seen it moving a little bit wasnt up on its feet.. I took the chick and got it warm it took about 3 hours for it to come around and back up on its feet. We had put the other chick with it when it was up and about. and they seemed fine. Now today is the real issue. can you over heat them??? the chick that i got yesterday is now just lying in the box bearly moving. its hardly making any noise either. Im wondering if the chick is going to make it or is it going to die????? what do you all think? Im putting water at its beak every 10 mins just to keep it from dehydrating . Maybe its sick ? I have no clue this is the first time that i have ever had chicks before.
any input would help ... thanks

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