I think he may be slightly confused... *UPDATE* *Pictures Up!*

I woke up this morning and he was like that. He was just a pip when i went to bed and woke up to see this egg with a leg!
There is a window on the bator that I can open very slightly to stick something in there to push on it a bit. Would that be okay or not?
If I can do it, What do I do, just push the cap off completely or just bit?
I would only help him/her slightly. The need that struggle to finish their proper development. Although if he/she struggles for more than 24 hours I would figure what have you got to lose by helping more.
Good Luck
I pushed the cap off a bit, and the membrane is still intact, so I am going to let him do the rest. He's got enough room to push himself out now so it's all up to him!
Root for this little guy!
The chick STILL isn't out.... he is trying to use his loose foot to push against the shell above his head and it isn't doing anything. Am I just overreacting or is he really stuck?
Should I post a pic to show you what I am talking about?

All he is doing is kicking.... if he would just PUSH he would he out... and I am worried because he is in a VERY awkward position, so I am afraid he won't get out because he simply cant due to the position
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