I think I found a miracle cure for feather picking

Oyster shell won't cause what the OP is suffering. Aggressive hungry hens do. Some are just way too aggressive. Sure it's drive to nutrients driving it. But they don't ALL do that when feeling the same way. It's a behavior problem. Just like all humans aren't alike, all chickens aren't either. They all have individual personalities and some just don't "play nice" no matter what we humans want to think.
I agree - it's a very complex issue. This is the purpose of this thread - to explore all the causes of feather-picking and to try different methods of treating these causes.

I've managed to achieve remissions in both of these trouble-makers in the past. It's my hope that by addressing the nutritional issues that may be present by examining the circumstances of this latest relapse in both hens, and by trying to re-program their behavior by preventing contact with their victim, another remission can somehow be achieved.

Heck, it's worth a try.
It is indeed. It's from this kind of stuff that sometimes everyone learns. But not from making the same mistakes as everyone has in the past. You haven't so far done this. Hopefully you will not ever.
Mutual support has been the biggest benefit from this thread so far. Feather-picking is one of the most discouraging, sanity-threatening problems we chicken keepers face. Being able to share our frustrations, ideas, and successes with one another means more to me than I can possibly convey.

I'm grateful to everyone who has taken the time to participate in this thread.
No, calcium issues will not cause feather picking but laying hens on chick starter, though higher in protein, is lower in calcium and this will cause calcium issues not too far down the road.

Have you tried adding the tiniest pinch of salt on occasion? I'm seeing some success. My one hen that I can always tell if she has been picked has pin feathers growing. Hopefully I can remember to add salt every few days. I only put in just a little bit, unmeasured.
Salt is the one thing I haven't tried yet. I'll put it in the two trouble-makers' meal worm ration. Can't hurt. Except the worms won't enjoy it.
I've thought about putting the two baddies together in jail, however, Flo would have Geobett shaved bald before the day was over. Geobett is mainly fixated on the rooster and hasn't seemed to bother anyone else. Flo is an equal-opportunity feather-picker, going after any and all feathers in her path.

Geobett appears to be losing interest in Penrod's neck, from what I've been observing lately. The peepers may be helping to interrupt her behavioral habits. Flo shows no signs of remission. She'll be in jail for a good while yet.
I've thought about putting the two baddies together in jail, however, Flo would have Geobett shaved bald before the day was over. Geobett is mainly fixated on the rooster and hasn't seemed to bother anyone else. Flo is an equal-opportunity feather-picker, going after any and all feathers in her path.

Geobett appears to be losing interest in Penrod's neck, from what I've been observing lately. The peepers may be helping to interrupt her behavioral habits. Flo shows no signs of remission. She'll be in jail for a good while yet.

Azygous, you must have the patience of a saint......flo sounds like just too much work ;-) she is lucky to have you!

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