I think I lost my mind.I built a model of my coop to be.pics have fun

What a great idea - they looks so nice too! I just searched the internet for pictures before having mine built. Turns out the pen builder raises chickens and knows far more than I do, so we went with his design.
OH MY GAWD I am so IN for this one..... VBG
Esteemed chickeners, I am not qualified to organize, or judge the "Great Model Chicken Coop Contest," I am not allowed to have chickens. I get my chicken thrills vicariously from all the posts on this forum AND my friend who has four house chickens. I am their godmother but that's as far as it goes. She has always had housepet chickens so has no experience with coops or runs either.

If I were judging I would choose by "cuteness factor" which is how i choose anything. Functionality and predator proofness would be lost on me. I planned on offering some of the prizes. My computer skills are limited to emailing - and I get back alot of "failure notices," even doing just that.

Please someone step forward who has experience in these things. P.S. The only chicken I have is my avatar. My son sent me that last year because I won't "shut up," about all the chicken stories I read on BYC.
you all are killin me! i guess i'm going to have to get on the bandwagon & make my own 'model.' it may be a while before i get the real thing.
Great job.

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