I think my betta fish is dying :-( UPDATE

Aww, I feel bad for you!! Hope he feels better!
I wish I had advice for you, but I had a betta once, and he lived to the ripe old age of 2 months. I hope the peas work, and I wish I had advice for you!
Well I've fed him half a pea two days so far. He's doing well, but not much swelling that I can tell has gone down. He's still his fiesty self though!

I'm still not feeding him regular food though. I'm going to give that more time! I've still got my fingers crossed for him though!

I did clean his tank the other day because I noticed an oily residue on the top of the tank had developed (tank was cleaned not too long ago so that was strange). Now I'm noticing it again. I'll probably do a water change tonight. Any ideas what that could be?
Your betta is lucky to have you , as some people act as if they are "just fish".
Bettas can live a little longer than 5 years. I would think the oily residue could be the problem as bettas have labryinth organs and breath from the surface. Could there be spraying of air fresheners / glad freshmatic where he is? oils / residue coming from hands in the tank? anything new added- decor , substrate , filter change? I use a product called Betta Revive- its a broad spectrum type treatment- it works on protozoan (parasites) bacterial , fungal . That would be a last ditch effort. Stress can and will cause swim bladder issues that will resolve when the fish is no longer stressed- Have you moved the aqaurium- maybe some new object near his tank is stressing him? I have had a couple of fish that had swim bladder issues and they all looked like they were def. going to die and didnt ( one that was isolated after buying from walmart that had ich (parasites) and one that was being picked on). do you notice any extra slime on the body , white dots , jagged/frayed fins? or possibly your heater is broken and with this weather it got a bit too cold. Bettas are pretty hardy but they still go into shock with sudden or drastic ph or temp changes..
Good luck!
Please let us know how the little mans doing
Hmm No idea, what type of tank is this? does it have a filter? as i would be cleaning all the rocks out as they may be the cause, but if it doesnt have a filter, all the Good Bacteria in the rocks is going to be destroyed..
which will make the tank start cycling again. Not good for a sick fish. I would give the tank a clean out, with hot water.

Common Name: Swim Bladder Disorder, Swim Bladder Disease, SBD
Scientific Name: N/A
Description: Irregularity of gas bladder
Symptoms: swimming upside down, unable to right self
Cause: constipation, blockage, infection, tumor
Medications: fasting, Maracyn & Maracyn-Two combo
Ingredients: Erythromycin, Minocycline, Tetracycline
Notes: treatment varies by cause, antibiotics not usually necessary
In a fish’s world, being unable to right ones-self may be a sign of a swim bladder problem commonly referred to as “Swim Bladder Disorder”, “Swim Bladder Disease” or “SBD” for short.

I would give him a break from feeding anything for a few days to see if it rights itself, now that the pea has probably helped clear out his digestive track.

1 teaspoon of Epsom salts per 2.5 Gallons should also help if there is a blockage in his digestive track, it has known to be used on constipated fish

It is rare to need to use antibiotics for it as usually its blockage or constipation.
Still no change, but he still tries to swim when I come in the room.

No major changes here as far as environment goes. He's always been a very easy going fish, even when he had tank mates in the ten gallon. He came home with me from college, but he has been through that many times and has never had an issue. He had been home about three weeks though before this issue. There is no filter in the tank and no sprays or anything that I know of. There is a top I keep on the aquarium anyways because I've had issues with fish trying to jump out before! I did a full cleaning which is what I normally do. I usually just scrub his little cave with a paper towel to get most of the algae off, but I leave little areas for the algae and bacteria to remain in the tank. He likes to pick at the little strands of algae sometimes (I clean it off before it gets bad though). It was a little cold downstairs, but no major change in temps or anything. I may try picking up a new heater in the next few days because even if he doesn't make it I know I'll be getting a new fish.

Still no reduction in swelling, but at this point I think I have tried everything. It could possibly be dropsy as well, as his scales on his belly are sticking out a little bit. It's not really that much and I was just thinking it was from the massive swelling. I will probably try giving him another half a pea tonight, and I am going to take a few scoops of water out of his tank and replace it with fresh. I'll look and see if we have any epsom salt in the house and maybe I could try that as well. I've heard that works well for dropsy and swim bladder issues.
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If its a 10 gallon, i would atleast have a sponge filter in there they are very cheap and easy to run
, which should help take some nasites that could be causing problems, like ammonia spikes, sponge filters are good for keeping the good bacteria in them for the nitrogen cycle. as one of my lil bettas is in a hospital tank im having to do 25% water changes daily as its not a cycled tank and wont cycle while being medicated.
I've heard good and bad about the peas. I personally use them and have no problems. But the best thing to help SBD is fiber. Yes, just like in humans. Daphnia (water fleas) are a very good source, and maybe ONE of the best. Check your local pet stores to see if they have it, as it will probably be frozen. Do the same as you would with the peas, fast for 2 days, feed a SMALL amount (it dirties the water fast), fast for 2 days, feed, etc. This should help. But good for you for being a responsible, caring owner who actually does research and doens't just stick him in a death bowl. He's had a good life, and hopefully gets to live it longer. Oh and the scales on the belly sticking out, I wouldn't worry too much if it's just on his belly (same thing happens to my girls when I feed them a little too much). Just watch it, too make sure.
He's no longer in a ten gallon. The tank I have in now is maybe about a 1.5 gallon. I would love to set up the 2.5 or 5 gallon again but I have to do some more re-arranging for the tank to fit. I had filters on both of those tanks though. I have seen mini filters for these little tanks though and I may be able to pick something like that up. Sometimes it's difficult to find them though. Most places only sell those sponge filters for betta tanks.

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