I think my chicks have worms. What to do?


8 Years
Mar 17, 2011
My chicks are around a week and a half. 1 is from my own hatch and the other 2 from another person. All are roughly the same age. I went to clean their brooder and found something that looks like worms. I have taken them outside a few times on warm days. I figure my one mamma hen did it only 2 days after her eggs hatched why couldn't I? So now I am trying to figure out what to do. I want this taken care of before it becomes to serious. What I saw was string looking things all wound together. Both me and my mom agreed it looked like worms. Cleaned the mess up and now looking for a safe solution. Any help is appreciated!
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If it is worms what can I use to deworm? I am hoping by tomorrow I am hoping I will see more so I can take pics. So I can find out if its worms or not. THough it looks like round worm.
sorry cant help on what to use as UK and USA have different med names

i use Verm-X as its herbal and no egg retension

but in chicks case there are no eggs so a chemical based one can be used

again dosage im not sure of on chicks
Okay so I will get some wazine, the dosage though still confuses me. Its only 3 chicks and they are under 2 weeks..
IMPO they are entirely too young to worry about worming. If it was worms and they came out of the poop, then It is very highly unlikely that it was their poop or it was not worms. Im not certain what you saw or where it came from....but I would let them be until at least 6 months of age. Make certain their area is clean, they have chick starter, and their water is kept clean several times a day (chicks are very messy with the water the 1st few weeks)
I have seen the electrolyte powder that people add to the water make the poo look odd the first week or two. If you use chick saver...you may want to cut that back a bit. I have also seen folks give week old chicks any manner of food...I would say to them "Keep it simple and try to feed straight chick starter the first 3 weeks" No....that is not what they would get in nature but their survival rate will be double what it would be in nature too.
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At that age, I wouldn't think they would have worms. Possible I suppose if you live in a high worm area. And wazine only kills roundworms, not any other types of worms.
I would have to agree, except I have indoor/ outdoor cats and know what worms look like. Their brooder is in a library and I have no idea what else could have gotten in there. I havent seen anything like it in any of my other chicks before. The only thing different is I have taken them outside at 1 week of age. I am at a loss, but wont do anything yet.

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