I think my peahen killed herself. ..


9 Years
Dec 17, 2010
So, when a peacock starts the breeding process is it normal for him to get aggressive with the females? Or maybe it just looks aggressive?
I went out to the barn last week and my peahens were frantically trying to get away from my peacock who was chasing them. They were all breathing hard and panicky. I separated them for a little bit and all was good until yesterday. I heard thumping in the barn and then all thirty chickens and the peafowl were making a weird alarm sound. So I went to investigate and found one of my peahens with what appeared to be a broken neck. All the birds were gathered around her. The peacock was breathing heavily. The other peahen wasn't.
I assume the peacock was getting amorous and she was trying to get away from him and flew into a wall and broke her neck. She had a few sores on the back of her head like she had been pecked recently. Any ideas?
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Unfortunately she didn't kill herself. Your male has what we call Testosterone rages, which means his hormones are getting the better of him and he would rather fight than mate. I have one like him and I no longer try to breed him, he goes into his own pen for the duration of breeding season.

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