I thought I had an Americauna, but...


In the Brooder
Jun 3, 2015
Kansas Prarie
Hi, Just a brief introduction: I grew up in NC on a small hobby farm where we raised just about every kind of fowl we could get our hands on including a large flock of 100 chickens at its peak. I grew up, moved away and now reside on the vast Kansas prarie. My family & I just acquired about 9 chicks, 2 Khaki Campbell ducks, and 11 keets. So far everyone is getting along! My issue is in trying to identify a certain hen in our flock...at least I believe it's a hen. I was sold an Americauna, but now I'm not so sure. The chickens are only about 2 1/2 months old, so checking egg color is not an option yet. Anyone want to take a crack at identifying it?

Silver Laced Wyandotte, if that is the rose comb I am seeing in the zoom grain of the photo correctly.

Rooster if it is truly 9 1/2 weeks old, and it looks to be that age, as a hen would not have that much developed comb at that age...hens, as you remember, don't get developed red combs until just before point of lay, which for a Wyandotte will be about 5 months of age...plus the patterning is looking pretty blotchy/blocky rather than laced (although young lacing can look funky)....all indicating roo.

...plus on zoom I believe I am seeing some saddle feathers coming in just before the tail.

...and there is no such breed as Americauna...that is a misnomer used for Ameraucana hybrids that are by definition Easter Eggers so that people think they are getting the pure deal as Ameraucana's lay only blue eggs while Easter Eggers, being "mutts" and subjects of Punnett Square genetic math can lay blue or green (most typical) or brown or even pinkish eggs.


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