IA here

Welcome Bonnie,
If you love chickens, you have found the right site!
Be warned chickens are an addiction, so fun, but so easy to keep adding more!
Use this site to your advantage, a wealth of knowledge, about anything chicken, or other birds!
My Dad lived in Boone for many years before retiring to Florida, nice town.
Eh, it's an ok town, lol. A little small for my taste, but it'll do. I live in town, half a block from the high school. We've warned our neighbors about the chickens. They all seem fine with it except for the elderly man next door who said they are dirty animals. Hopefully it won't be a problem! Keeping them in the chicken tractor we are building should help I hope.
How about we list what we have for birds and where located so if someone is looking for something we can help each other out locally

I'll start:

I'm between Waterloo and cedar rapids, Currently I have white silkies, blue silkies, partridge silkies, frizzle polish mix, black crested polish, white jersey giants, Easter eggers, Cochins, mixed barnyard bantams and few other mix hens and roosters. Getting rid of the Cochins, bantams and white jerseys.
I have no chickens or any poultry. I live in a small town NW of Des Moines, no poultry allowed at this time.
But I do love
to hatch eggs for others. If your wanting any eggs hatched let me know. I currently have 2 hovabators that are empty.

I only hatch for fun and try to get the best hatch rate I can. So PM me if your interested.
Good Ol' Southside Des Moines here. I just recently started my backyard flock and let me admit... I am ADDICTED!!! I have 8 BLR Wyandottes, 3 Columbian Wyandottes, 2 GL Wyandottes, 1 Black Australorp, 2 Ameraucanas, 1 Salmon Favarolle Roo that I am trying to sell, and a funny little yellow chick that is a mystery. Anyone looking for a Salmon Roo? A few of my BLR Wyandottes are Roo's as well. Willing to sell for best offer. Just dont want them being eaten. LOL
People actually admit in public they are from the southside? :) Just teasing of course.

I have a neighbor that was going to steal one of my chickens if any turn out to be roos....I think they are all going to be hens though so I will see if they have any interest.
Congratulations! You have taken the first step in admittng you have a problem. Now let us enable you further! :) Have you taken Chicken Math 101?
:) does anyone raise marans? I am looking for copper marans and cuckoo marans chicks or adults in the cedar falls/waterloo area to replace those lost to a predator... ty

edited to add: this is my real name, I used to be here as Lilandra but can't seem to log in under that email address and user name... any help in finding these birds would be much appreciated
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