IA here

I went to take photos there last year. I thought some day it would be fun to go at least for one day on the ride and take a chicken along. I noticed their logo this year is a rooster weather vane. So see it is somewhat chicken related.
Have fun!
Hey Everyone! A friend of mine is having a chicken dispersal (crazy, I know!) and is needing to sell some chickens. He has 12 Buff Orpingtons, 9 SL Wyandotts and 25 Australorps. All pullets except for 2 australorp roos. All were purchased this spring from Estes Hatchery. The Wyandotts and Australorps were hatched the 2nd week of February and the Buffs were hatched 1st week of March. None are laying yet but I imagine it would be any time now. $5 each, please spread the word. Send me a PM if interested. Thanks! We are located by Coggon
Hi everyone
The 2 little black chicks that hatched from Stehpanies dark brown eggs, are big and featherd out. They are twice as big as the other chicks. All 21 chicks are doing great. The 9 that i hatched and the 12 broilers that i bought. I dont think that the orp. eggs in the bator are going to hatch.

Welcom qi chicken- I dont know any thing about wellsumers, and I have lots of grandkids. I would like to have him, but I wont keep a mean roo. Sometimes roos are just mean. Stephanie said that her roo feeds the peeps. wow I wish I had one like that.

The Adair county fair was small. I saw 3 chickens and 1 dairy hefer. My hubby says that the fair used to be full of ffa and 4 h kids critters. I think it is sad that they are not doing so much here now.

my hubby is starting a new job next week. We are excited about that. I will get medical insurance yippy

WyanLuv -I sent you a pm I might be able to buy some chickens.

Take care lisa
Lisa - it's one of the only reasons I tolerate him. He is very good to the flock and baby chicks but not so nice to me all the time. I sometimes think it's a game between us though. He has never hurt me but he does try to kick me once in awhile. I think it is because he hates that I mess with the hens.

It is sad that so many children are moving away from 4-h and ffa. We are raising a generation of children that are far removed from agriculture.
I agree it is sad so many kids do not know what farm animals even look like. I really dislike that our school starts before the fair does. Ugh. Thankfully we still have FFA at our high school. My son is going to join this year. Sad it doesn't stand for future farmers of america anymore either.

Would anyone like a free blue standard size cochin rooster? He came from Cackle. He has to be a pet. Orders of my children. We also have a black standard cochin rooster also. They are both a year old. The blue one is being picked on by the others. He looks more like a turken cochin right now. I counted my chickens. I'm up to 103 and that does not count the younger chicks I have. So I'm cutting back. Let me know if anyone is interested in the cochins as pets. I'm in the eastern side of Iowa( near Davenport). I think we plan on going to the swap meet in Burlington but not until Sept.
My kids both entered birds in the Polk Co fair. This was a first time adventure for us. I have one in clover kids (pre 4-H club) and one that entered as Open class. The birds got two blues and one Reserve Champion! All that hard work and spoiling paid off. Just wanted to share.
While doing the p/t testing at our local county fair on Sat., I was being eyed for a lead position on their poultry comittee. When asked I said yes. The kids need a lot of education, just simple things, nothing serious. Not one of those kids had washed their birds. Several were mis-identified, and they were not educated on how to hold them. The judge caught every one of the same errors I noticed and told them in a very constructive manner.
He did a really good job. It was funny at the naming of the Grand Champion, he announced that in his 40 years of judging, he had never awarded a champion ribbon to a naked neck but this time he did! the reserve was the one i told the kid who showed it would be a winner.
Now their approach is to first educate the parents just a bit before educating the kids.
Last year there were 5 birds in the show, this year 30! Of course two boys had a majority!
I am looking forward to working with both the parents and the kids to build a bigger show and make it an open class as well. The head of that division thought that would be great!
One all black polish crested and a leghorn. I am not quite sure of the exact "name" of that leghorn tho. she looks a lot like my Maran. Brown with the yellowish tipped "flame" feathers on the neck.

We washed our chickens. They hate it
Of course WE love.
Clarke's Exotic Animal & Goat Auction

Hi all,

Anyone have any experience with this swap? It's about three hours from me, and I was wondering if it is worth the trip? I don't really need anything--but that's never stopped me from bringing new birds home, either! Besides, this is one of the few weekends I don't have a trail ride scheduled.

How is everyone in Iowa doing with all the rain and heat? I need to get working on improvements to my henhouse as I'm having flooding issues with all the rain, and cleaning that thing out is a bugger. I have a black and white pied Muscovy hen sitting on 14 eggs and am eagerly awaiting a mess of ducklings waddling around the place.


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