IA here

It's been raining here most of the morning. Now it has turned to sleet and snow flurries. So far we can still see the grass though. The critters have finally decided to head for the barn. I let them out this morning and the Muscovy ducks were having a blast playing in the rain. No blizzard here yet. But I'm sure if it drops just a degree or two all the wet ground and puddles we have will turn into a lovely sheet of ice. Ick!
wind here was nasty but so far less then an inch. have a few silly hens that are outside till i turned on heat lamp then they came in to deice themselves. stupid wind broke the latch on the shed door so goats had snow and ice on there side. now it has a bungie cord holing it shut. Goats didn't want to go out in it.
We've had decent temps, snow and no wind as of yet. The temps are falling now. I think I have everything shoveled enough so no doors will be blocked or frozen shut. I have all my birds tucked in.

Eric, it seems you get the worst of the weather, every time.
Wind has really picked up here now. Less than an inch of ice/snow combined so far. Everyone is tucked in the barn now. They put themselves away 'cause they didn't want to be out in the nasty winds. The dog wanted out to potty real fast. It took a bit of pushing and shoving to get the people door to the garage open as with the rain early today it had frozen shut. He only wanted out just long enough to do his business and then right back in he went. I heard we are in a blizzard warning until 6pm tomorrow.

What do you mean there is going to be a blizzard?


Turk Turk couldn't understand how I was making turkey sounds yesterday with a turkey call. I wanted the Tom to talk back to me but he just looked up at me and then over at his two hens and then choose to ignore me. Henrietta totally ignored me. Turk Turk came running up and gave me this questioning look.
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How cute is that!

My chickens were out in the rain but once it started snowing they all went in or under the coop.

One of P.'s chicks got spooked by naughty Tucker so I picked her up. She IMMEDIATELY climbed in and down the sleeve of my coat. This is the coldest weather they have seen. I did the rest of my chicken/dog chores with her in my coat sleeve.
The puppies love it - but then again it's not deep enough to toss them in a drift yet. MUHAHAHA!

The Iowa Blues and the white silkies are back in the garage. I told my daughter to put them away last night - she didn't know I had them out in the coop for 2 days, so she put them in the garage. I think they are better off in there with the cold front that is coming in tonight/tomorrow.

The what I think is a male white silkie is by far the friendliest of all birds I have ever owned. Even April.
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Yes Trish, we are the unlucky winners of the bad weather reward. I did go to the video store and got the movies, the owner has an apt. in the back where he lives, so he is open all the time. Plows were on Hwy 71 but not a blade from the city has hit the streets yet. 2 intersections had folks stuck in them. No travel is advised here, police will send you home! 2 to 3 feet of snow in the streets where it can't blow away, with ice under that. -25 windchill. Glad I had 4 wheel drive. Turned up heater in the garage cause it has a full north wall and you could feel the wind! All birds were okay. Think I'll turn out the lights early so they can cuddle up. Won't be suprised if the power goes out.

By the way... Another little hobby or interest I have is old hats. Prefer not cowboy but the old wide brimmed, fur felt fedora types. Dobbs, Stetson, Knox, Portis, Adam, Champ, J C Penney Marathon, Sears Pilgrim hats. Lots of different brands. If any of you have any in your attics or basements or your grandads hat is sitting in a box on a shelf collecting dust, I pay cash! And finders fees too! Our local antique stores don't have any. Any of you know where some might be? Keep me in mind. The older ther better, the nicer shape the better. Some I clean up and re-sell most if they fit me I keep
I especially like the old buttery soft, suedy feeling fedoras with the felt so soft you wish you have blanket made from it!
Oh I do have a fondness for the Stetson Open Road hat. Thats the kind often called the LBJ type hat. It's a cross between a fedora and a cowboy hat. Almost any man over the age of 80 would have had one and probably still does in the back of their closet!

Keep me in mind........ Thanks!
my hubby is a hat guy so ppl bring us hats all the time i normaly send them to second hand store but i'll keep you in mind next time.

Does anyone have or know someone that has east indie duckling or Runners. i'm looking for a Xmas present for my son our house duck died suddenly and like to get another.
Yep, we are definitely stuck out here. Probably stuck through tomorrow too. I'm certain it'll be a while before the plows get out this way. Will be taking pics of all the snow tomorrow.

My hubby was kind enough to accompany me to the chicken coop earlier today so I could feed/water/etc my chickies but there was a drift we had to walk through that I thought he was gonna have to go get the tractor to pull me out of....lol

I'm blind without my glasses and with the wind and blowing snow I couldn't see with them either! If I would've went out by myself, he wouldn't have found me til spring!
Being we are kinda snowed in and I did not want to tell ghost stories so ...you know had to cover something!
It's early am now, still some snow blowing around. I hear the bobcats at the Geritol Lab across the street. Oh, the Geritol Lab is the old folks housing. I call it that cause there are infrequent lights and sirens over there if one of them falls or can't answer the phone. I always think they're getting busted!
Streets and driveways here are level full of snow. I usually go down for coffee at 5 am and am trying to decide if I should go or not. Wind is still gusting, I can hear it. No plows out yet I expect to hear them soon but they might wait til daybreak.

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