IA here

Our City code allows for no livestock in town except with the written consent of the City Council. the letter and spirit of this code was written originally to keep pigs and goats and hooved animals from being kept in town. Poultry are not covered however the former city administrator took it upon himself to include chickens as livestock. My issue was, our chickens are pets, not livestock.
You could legally have a puppy mill, raise 6000 rabbits, at one time there was even a fox farm in town but chickens no! parakeets, pigeons, anything would be okay but chickens and hooved animals. There was even a craze in the early 70's where numerous people had pet racoons!
That's the bad part of living in "farming country". They can't imagine having pet chickens. Pets are ONLY supposed to be cats and dogs. Although my birds have a purpose, some of them are pets. Can't seem to get that through to the neighbor down the road whose dog keeps trying to get them. Got my one and only SLW from Virginia on Good Friday. Needless to say, the dog has a target on his head. Too bad though, he's a nice dog. They have been warned enough. Neighbor seems to think that just because his dog is a hunting dog, he can't keep him home. Hmmm... Our hunting dog AND boxer stay home. They don't even have run of the farm unless we are with them. Why can't people enjoy their own property and leave everyone else to enjoy theirs?
Got my first egg from my Iowa Blue pullet that I bought from PBJ maker, thanks Steph !!!
I am happy to hear it passed for you, although that does sound awkward what you must go through each year....

Black Cochin Bantams, GORGEOUS chicken there!!!!

Bad news: I saw a coyote in broad daylight not too far from our acreage, this morning.

Now if only a certain hen duck would start laying also...

Trying to think of a good name for her that goes with Duck Dodger.

Dee Dee. i'm hoping for a donald and daisy.
i don't know when ducks lay my MILs duck isn't laying right now.
Here's one of my best broody chickens


I think he spends more time nesting than all the hens put together! One of my Cochin mamas took over his basket though, so he's frustrated.

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