IA here

update on the kitten -- its fine. I kept it in the bathroom separated from the others and checked on it hourly. It slept most of the day Sunday and in the evening it started to act normal. Monday morning it was a little terrorist - pouncing on everything that moved and things that didn't. It looks like it has hemorrhoids but is using the litterbox normally and isn't bloated or running a fever. Spoke with a vet on the phone that specializes in cats and she said if it acts out of character or stops eating and using the litterbox to bring it in - otherwise she says it should be fine with the exception of having 8 lives left and years to go
Glad to hear that kitty will be ok.
I lost my speckled Sussex this week and 2 chicks. Not happy about it.
I didn't get my east indies. Hubby said no. I tried to sneak them past him but when it's a 4 hour trip and I'm asking if the car would make the trip I kinda gave it away. So no more ducks he put his foot down.
sorry to hear about your loss, those were some nice birds.
wait until next year and accidentally order ducks with your chicks
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Glad to hear it! They are pretty tough. I had a barn kitten last summer get stepped on by a BIG horse directly on her belly and although she didn't eat or move much for about 3 days she came through fine. They learn pretty quickly to stay out from under the horses or they don't live long around our place
Glad to hear the kitten is OK.

Sam - Sorry to hear that you lost some birds - I lost a couple of my porcelain chicks the last two days myself. We aren't sure what is taking them.

It looks like I might be getting rid of my Iowa Blues - the rooster crows all the time and in the country wouldn't be so much a problem for us - but with such close neighbors we don't want to loose the right to have chickens because of his noise.

If anyone is interested in him and his girlfriends (2 - one is broody) just PM me.

Started teaching summer school yesterday, so I won't be on as much this summer. Unlike subbing where I just show up and work, I get to plan lessons and everything. It's going to be a lot of fun!
Sorry you have a loud mouth. I saved ms frizz from Loki today. So pretty bald still.
Maybe she'll stay out of dog run now.

Hope teaching is good to u.
Good luck with the re-homing. I have one like that too that crows all the time. Unlike his father, this Buttercup is noisy! I will try and re-home him when the kids are here for the poultry plunge. One way that works for me/us, is to give them a squirt of water from a spray bottle when they crow. They learn to respect the bottle!
Do you think you will be able to make it to the State Fair this year?

Joy, did you get your son signed up? The fishing camp was fun but we got rained out. Quite a storm yesterday! It got so dark out at the lakeside Lab all the lights came on and fierce lightning! Where's the chicken pic?

Anyone... have you checked into displaying your IA Blues in the "Hall of Breeds" at the State Fair this year?
My husband catches him and puts him in time out - he crows in mockery. I have even heard him laugh at my husband

I really, really want to put him in the hall of breeds but with the amount of crowing he does (even at 3 in the morning) I am just worried the neighbors are going to flip on me. We are already on their bad side for calling the city on the house next door (it is empty but used to belong to another neighbors mom) We avoid calling the city on others because of potential retribution for the chickens but the next door house has a collapsing wall that has become dangerous and is affecting our property/foundation.
So that Buttercup is a rooster? Would he mate with large fowl chickens? And if he did, what would you end up with? Large fowl chicks or banty chicks? I would love to have a rooster that crows out here in the country.....but I don't want a bunch of bantys in my flock, they just aren't practical for me. I do believe I have one or two roosters in my Silver-Laced Wyandottes I got in May.

Yes, I got him signed up so barring any illness or unforseen circumstances, I will be bringing him.

Yes, that storm was a bummer. We had visiting family here from Virginia and couldn't be outside at all.....and our house is way too small for too much company for too long, especially when half of them are kids!

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