IBW begins- day 21.5..pips!!!


isn't that the cutest thing?
my little serama did that too.
she ran around and kicked all the eggs and started yelling at everyone to hurry up and come out of their shells.

post pics as soon as ya can.
Well, this morning is day 20.5, and I have 4 blue rocks! They are the prettiest things! Theres several more with pips...I had to take these guys out, they only had half the incubator and were rocking and rollin everyone else. Oddly enough, no action yet on the blue orps and Americaunas. They all candled great, so maybe they are just sleeping??

Kathy, my Blue Orps always seem to take longer than the others for some reason, so don't worry yet. They are either just slow, lazy or they are so big, it takes them awhile to figure out how to get themselves positioned correctly.
Dont worry yet??? hahahah, oh thats so funny, youre killin me, dont worry???? hahahahahha......

I started worrying when I set the eggs in the incubator...
Came home for lunch; 2 more blue rocks hatched out. Still no action at all on the Americaunas or Blue orps.
IVe got 7 rocks hatched out of the dozen that was sent, 3 blue, 4 splash, 2 more eggs in the hatcher with no pips, and the rest didnt develop. Not bad at all for shipped eggs.

Still no pips on the Americaunas or Blue orps.....no, Im not worried (keep telling yourself that, Im not worried, Im not worried...)
My chunkie faces are generally right on 21 days or longer to hatch. Hang in there..I hope something happens soon.

Congrats on the buff rocks!


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