Icelandic Chickens

Sigh. Well, no matter what, the coop is moving. I think I'll get some nice new boxes built to try and entice the ladies, too. Maybe something with curtains.

Looks like a couple of my roos got into it yesterday. One of them is missing a talon and there's blood all over, despite being separated by a fence. I'm going to have to grab him and clean his foot. I really don't want it to get infected. He's my only SC roo.
Sigh. Well, no matter what, the coop is moving. I think I'll get some nice new boxes built to try and entice the ladies, too. Maybe something with curtains.

Looks like a couple of my roos got into it yesterday. One of them is missing a talon and there's blood all over, despite being separated by a fence. I'm going to have to grab him and clean his foot. I really don't want it to get infected. He's my only SC roo.
As the days get longer and the hormones start to flow, they will be trying to impress the females and scrapping to prove they are worthy. Put a low board, piece of metal, tarp or whatever to block their site line and that should stop it.

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