Icelandic Chickens

Hey Mary, just let the turkeys out! (I let mine out yesterday
) They are so darn happy and even went back into the coop last night.
I can't let mine out to free range. They are fine with their little enclosed run until they are older. They will venture into the emu are and I can't risk that. I'll bet yours are super happy!
One of them has officially dominated my poor little 10 or so week old lavender ameraucana. They are already following me around like dogs, and if I whistle right, they will come running up to me.
One of my four week old Cream Legbars went broody when I put newly hatched chicks in the brooder with her. She has adopted on of the little white babies. She sleeps with it under her wing and it stays right beside her all day. Cream Legbar girls are just the sweetest things.

Sweet babies! Love the turkeys, too. Did you and Happy Chooks get the same kind?

Look what I caught this one doing yesterday.....

I hope it's a tom.
Oh. Turkeys. How I love them. I have some Beltsville Small Whites and they are the most personable of all the birds!

Ok. So, I have a 13-week-old Icelandic and I can't tell if it's a pullet or cockerel. I am so embarrassed. I have looked this bird over carefully, there are no pointed hackle or saddle feathers. Its comb is pinker (a new word) than the other pullets and yet, not as red as the cockerels. There are no iridescent feathers on him/her. My other cockerels already have long flowy tails.

What do you all think?


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