Ideal Hatchery

If I could reorder my first chickens, I would have chosen probably 25 different breeds lol. But I only got 5 different breeds coming this time, but a couple colors of 2 of them lol. I am running out of room, time to build another coop! lol
Everything I ordered came the next week or the first Wednesday after I ordered. They shipped out Wednesday and I got them Thursday morning.
I've all ready found your other thread,,,,they are so sweet, and so healthy!!!! Great babies,,,keep us posted!!!
I was up at the post office getting my chicks at 6:30 this morning. I ordered 6(bantam), but they sent 12. I can tell the extra 6 are standard size chicks though. Im trying to figure out what they are, they are completly red. I think I'll post pics in the 'what am i' section later.
selena glad to see you live in a good part of the state of wa. I recently ordered from ideal on the evening of the 9th of sep and orderd was filled and shipped on the 10th and i will have 20 fethered legged variety on fri wooo hooooo and my wonderful wifey is mad i got so many but it is all ok and if i have to many would you like a couple? When i called ideal there were very nice and helpfull and i did call the postmaser as suggested and he was nice he said he would not call me at 1:00 am when they start to work in the morn to pick up my feathered little freinds. well see:D
I got them today! Yay! All healthy looking and eating and drinking already. I had to lower the heat lamp down quite a bit, as they were crowding under it. It's not really cold out, but definitely not 90. Now they're warmed up more and nicely scattered about the tank.

I had a missed call on my cell when I woke up this morning (at 7:45 am. not too late, I'd think), but it was an unlisted number and they didn't leave a message. Not expecting the chicks to arrive today, I didn't worry. I give my cell phone often for stuff and thought it may have been a telemarketer. I mean, the PO would surely leave a message when there's chicks involved, right?

LOL, no they didn't. However, they DID call my home phone (a # I didn't list on the order) a short while later and offered to swing by and drop them off themselves! Port Orchard isn't THAT small of a town, but I suppose so many folks mustuve ordered chicks around here, the chirping was probably too much. They were here about hour after the first call.
congrats on the peeps i live in port orchard also and i hope that the post office will be happy with the chirp chirp this week since all they do is
im getting
waiting for my little happy
all 20 feather legged
good luck.
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