Ideal is having a special on "Ameraucana" Pullets

Have you tried getting in touch with Michael Muenks. He is in Missouri, which is alot closer to you.

The buffs are going to Missouri today.

Today is Show Me State day..... did I mention I'm from Poplar Bluff??
I ordered "ameraucanas" from Ideal this year (knowing full well when I did that the were EE's) and have liked what I got. They should start laying any day now but haven't yet so I can't tell you what color the eggs are, but in general I like the birds I got. Someday I would like to have true Ameraucanas, but this will do for now.
We sold out of the 2000 we had available for the 2 weeks that we originally were going to sell at a discount. Usually we do not sell things that quickly. I guess there are just a lot more people wanting chickens right now. We will honor the special for the December 3rd hatch until we sell out of the 4000 we currently have on that date.


I was just letting people know about the special. Didn't mean to start an argument.
I know they are EEs, that's why I put quotes around the word "Ameraucana" in the title. I have some of these hens from Ideal. They're very pretty, lay well, and are really tame. If you just want them for fun and pretty eggs (not for show), they're great.
That's cool of you.

that's what they did, as i posted earlier for me. it was really nice. the kind lady who took my order was very helpful and polite.
Buster, I've had three hens from Ideal. One layed a white egg, but the other two lay blue and green. So, you should have some nice eggs from them. Hope so!
I hope so too! I got 11 pullets in April and they are just turning 6 months old. I strung my lights up in my coop yesterday so that I could simulate daylight and hopefully get them laying. When they do I'll post pics of Ideal's marans and ee eggs as well as their BO eggs. I really like the birds I got from there.
Have you tried getting in touch with Michael Muenks. He is in Missouri, which is alot closer to you.

The buffs are going to Missouri today.

Today is Show Me State day..... did I mention I'm from Poplar Bluff??

No, I haven't spoken to him. I'm in South Central AR, so he's a pretty good drive from here.

I'm just soooo afraid to ship chicks, and find dead chicks in the box when they get here. As far as shipping eggs, one girl I talked too says that she thinks they are x-raying the eggs at LR, which is causing most of hers to not hatch.​

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