
8 Years
Jun 27, 2011
Wow, the silkies and Cochins arrived today from Ideal.
I wasn't expecting them until Friday.
I was really excited about them until I read some of the feedback on here last night about how Ideal's silkies are not always the best looking little critters.
Then I went and read their web site and low and behold, not all come with beards.
What a shock, as I just thought they all came with beards. Boy have I got a lot to learn!!

So at 9:30 ( I slept in, was up until 3 with a missing teen), my son woke me up to let me know "MOM YOUR BIRDS ARE HERE! WHAT SHOULD I DO WITH THEM?"

I am like, WHAT? My birds?? I could hear them out in the hallway and surely knew that they were here!! lol.

I didn't dare open the box. Did not want to see any dead chicks, or all the ugly aweful display that I was expecting after last nights post and research. lol

My aviary wasn't set up with substrate yet, as I was going to do that today.
I asked Matt to run outside and get the new bag of play sand.
He runs back with it and OMG, the whole bag is wet from a rainstorm. WHAT WAS I THINKING? It was sitting outside.
So I opened it up and tried to put some down, and the stuff would hardly come out of the bag..........INGAGE BRAIN and think here.
I opened the baby box and set them under the light.
Then I proceded to take out one baby at a time and give them a drink. Well there was 29 chicks in that box. I take one over to the water, give a drink, let it go, and pick up another one.........move on....................................How on earth could I tell if I got all 29???
Some probably got duplicate water I am sure.


Here is how that all looked. MAHEM!!
Like Allstate or what ever insurance is ready for?

SOOOOOOO I found them something better to live in for a few days, as they appeared to need a bit more confinement and to be close to their light. I wanted to make sure they got their food and water easy.


Then at this point, I begin to take photo's. I set up an extra box to put ones in that were photographed, so they did not get photographed twice. When I was done with all the pictures, I put them back, one at a time into the bigger box, and each one got another drink of water to make sure that I now had gotten every one.

Ok every baby got scruffed to see if it was possibly a male or female. Every baby got a number on paper that is on their photo. Every baby got an inspection and notes taken.
Color, sex possible, good crown, bearded or not, etc.
Every baby got a cuddle in my hand and put back. ALL 29 of them.
That was a lonnnnnnng process!!! hehe..........

Now everyone is back and settled in the plastic box, under a light in the corner, with food and water. Just newspapers for substrate until the sand dries out. I put some in a plastic box for it to dry out.
I have shavings here and could use that, but someone stated that sand was better for babies. Would LOVE feedback.
I thought sand would be good to poop scoop out.

They do eat it though. So maybe it won't last as long, lol.

This was their bedding. Does that green color look normal?


Ok here is the Cochins. They are interesting. I thought that they would be solid black.
I think they are very cute though.



There is 26 silkies and I don't think I can show all their photo's here, so I will give you a link to my gallery.
Each picture is numbered, but they did not come out in order.
If you care to comment on a photo, just use it's number and tell me what you think about it's crest, beard or lack of one etc.
Some seem to have a little and most don't. Some have no crest at all either.
I am somewhat upset about that, but don't know if I have a right to complain or not.
It will be hard to pick out a few that will look like they will be NICE silkies to raise up.
The rest are going to be sold locally.
I would love feedback on what you think is nice or "pick of the litter".

Ok, some one tell me if this baby has a beard???


Or this one??

This is the album. They did not go in fully in order, but you can see the number on each photo.
There are four pages in the album of babies and if you start by enlarging the first picture and click next, each picture will just come up. Or you can just see them as a whole page in the album.

Album LINK, Click HERE:

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I have some less than show quality birds Silkies also and we love them tons.. I also have 4 children, that are less than world famous models and love them also... Your chicks look Great.
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very cute babies! The last silkie picture on this thread (haven't looked at your album yet) appears to have a beard. Also your cochins will feather out black, but just like australorps as chicks they have some white/cream color on them. Congrats on the new chicks!!
kera! :

I have some less than show quality birds Silkies also and we love them tons.. I also have 4 children, that are less than world famous models and love them also... Your chicks look Great.

Well I think they are totally adorable, all of them. However people's comments were on how they look when grown up. etc.
I am new and inexperienced about silkie looks.
Show me yours. I would love to see them. Thanks.​
I have silkies from Ideal. They're about a month old now I guess.

It's not dead I promise.





I just bought these this past weekend but they said they got them from Ideal


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It takes quite a while to tell whether or not a silkie will turn out to be a beauty. I've had some that were several months old before they "blossomed."

Also have one I was SURE was a roo until she laid an egg. Named her "Pat." (Remember the SNL skits?)
I think two of mine must be partridge. They have dark spots on them.
Those white ones are a hoot with their big huge black eyes. I love the contrast of big black eyes and white.
Several of mine are white and I probably will keep several of those to make sure I get a girl.
I think all chicks are just so spot on cute, no matter what. I would like a couple silkies with full crests and beards though. They are so diva looking.
Yes and Yes. lol............Are a you a dollfan member too?
I used to sculpt, have done some reborning and now I make teddy bears.

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