If neighbor poisoned our birds, what can I do?

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I am sorry this has happened. But I must play a bit of the devil's advocate here. Have you or your neighbor attempted to have a civilized conversation about what is expected from eat other? You say he is poisoning your birds bc he doesn't like them... how do you know that the run off and litter that your animals are leaving are not destroying his attempts at and award winning lawn of which he uses the proceeds to feed his starving family bc he is otherwise unable to make ends meet?

it might sound crazy... but to some people 20+ quackers, 10+ cluckers, a handful of cock-a-doodle-doolers and a couple honkers is downright crazy too.

you can be zoned ag all you want but that doesn't give anyone rights to bother or harass another person. Just as being bothered does not give the right to poison the birds. I have been to OK. alot of times and it is a beautiful place with wonderful God-fearing people. Why not practice what is preached?

Now, if I were him and you showed up on my doorstep trying to reconcile, I would shoot you as your foot landed on my property. So I am not recommending trying to sort it out on your own. But he does have as much right to a spotless lawn and you do to raise fowl.

I would recommend, at the very least, put screen on the fence between your properties. This will stop your litter from invading his home and stop your birds from eating what he puts on his property.

As far as spraying, again he is not likely to be compromising since you called the police, but had you sat down with him before and made a written agreement about chemical use... I am an Organic gardener and farmer, contracts like that are written all the time.

I have a feeling that there were attempts on his part to express what he needed from you long before the threats and assaults. My advice there is to be more open to the feelings of others. how do you know he didn't have his lawn sod from imported multi-million dollar grass stock from Europe? At which point he is just trying to protect his investment and you are ignoring him chanting your rights to raise animals darn everyone who doesn't like it! Then complain when they have had enough and come after you. Do you know if he had gone to the police first and said that you refuse to keep your litter on your side of the fence? but was only told that they can't do anything... similar to what you are experiencing with the do-nothings we call police?

Look, I am on neither "side" but I do know that a very small amount of neighborly respect and compromise go a long way. The truth hurts but I think that you are both at fault here and neither of you have acted or reacted responsibly. Being social doesn't only happen with the people at your church. If you had taken the upper hand confronted him and offered your forgiveness and talked to him about what was going on and COMPROMISED... this would be a different situation... maybe he would be buying eggs and manure from you and speaking praises about your family's good will and the benefits of manure vs chemical fertilizers at all of his perfect-lawn competitions.

Most people will hate me for posting this. But I have been through similar situations all my farming life of 30+ years. During that time, calling the police only made things worse and created hostility. Taking care of the situation as, reasonable adults... now that has worked every time for me so far and I have even made a couple valued friends and resources out of would-be enemies.

He has as much right as you do. No one person is more entitled to happiness than the next. I am not condoning what he has done... but one neighbor can make your life heaven or hell it only makes sense to have some give and take.
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Stay strong! Go the Press if you have to!
NO YOU DIDN'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why are you consorting with the ENEMY?!?!?!

Like she said, she doesn't agree with them 100%, but you get results any way you can. So far, it seems she's doing everything the right way. If she can't get results, she needs further help. She still has poison on her property.
She has kids. This is her home. Just like a good mother hen would attack a pit bull to protect her babies, she needs to do whatever she can to feel safe on her own property. You can't fault her for that. Unless you have a better plan, more effective plan?

Good Post!
OSU did the necropsy on my sisters Service Dog (1 dog, 2 disABLED masters) when we thought he'd been poisoned by a mean 'n' nasty neighbor dumping food along their back fence.

My sisters Service Dog was raised and trained by me from the time he was a puppy. He could pick a dime up off the floor if one of them dropped it! He was 10yrs old, had health checks every year, was well cared for, loved. It devastated us when he suddenly died like he did...

My sisters also live in the heart of the West side of town (in Garfield County), sitting on 2.5 acres amongst housing additions. Technically, my oldest son owns the property, my sisters rent from him. The property is zoned under "agricultural" tho' and that's one of the main reasons we bought it. My older sister has horses and we needed a place we could accommodate both my disABLED sisters as well as the horses. Because it is zoned as it is they're allowed horses, cows, chickens, etc. Nothing their neighbors can do about any of it, really, unless they exceed the farm critters per acre ratio as stated by the zoning laws (which they most, assuredly, are not doing!).

Out of everyone who bordered their property or lives in their neighborhood, only ONE has a problem with them. But this one neighbor wanted to buy the 1-acre pasture between their houses so he could build an auto mechanic shop. We gave it serious thought, but then refused to sell it to him for so many reasons! Biggest one was $$$$. First, the property was one plat. We'd have to get the plat redone, breaking up the property - cost $$$. Second, it'd have to be rezoned - again costs $$$. Third, the septic tank and drain field are in that pasture - we'd have to move both - again, yet lots more $$$. Fourth, what he wanted to pay for it was a pittance for what it was really worth for the times AND he didn't want to incur the additional expenses - expected us to pay for it all (we'd have lost a LOT of $$$ as a result). So he's all pissified over the fact we weren't willing to do all this for him and he tries to make their life miserable at every opportunity. Everyone else are very friendly, helps my sisters if they need anything (i.e. run to the grocery stores, runs interference with the neighbor at times, etc), come over for BBQ's - very sociable. The neighbors kids are allowed to ride the horses under supervision. This bad neighbor once called animal control on them 'cuz their Service Dog was "running loose" - yes, the dog was "running loose" on their FENCED property between their homes. Jerk.

Besides, this house sat on the market for over a year before we bought it... if he really wanted it, he had a chance to buy it himself. He didn't. So

I digress: Police came out and took samples of everything dumped along that fence (they thought it looked like battery acid mixed in the food) and told my sister since the dog was valued over $10k that it'd be a felony and they would go after the culprit and file appropriate charges. They were very kind and professional about it all. However, the police were waiting on the necropsy before they had the substance tested tho' (wasn't in the budget unless we could prove just cause, right?). Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on how you want to look at it, the dog had not been poisoned. He died of natural causes - aneurysm.

However, the cops did cite the neighbor for illegally dumping and littering! That cost him a $500 fine and he was told that next time, it'd cost him double, and the time after that? Quadruple the original fine.
No more dumping.
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Also call the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and report him for poisoning migratory birds. I know it's not much help, but FWS takes these things seriously and it's another offense to hit him with.
You do what you have to sweetie, this guy is a P.O.S. and you need someone on your side to fight for you! He put poison in your yard to kill your animals without regard for your family for God's sake! I probably would have slugged him a good one just to watch him bleed, and gone to jail, so you are showing a great amount of courage and control. What he did was morally wrong, even if nobody can prove it legally. Good luck!!!!
Lazy J Farms Feed & Hay :

Good Post!

In an idyllic world this would be nice. However, it takes two parties, and when one makes the decision to kill another’s livestock that brings it to an entirely new level. And saying he would do it again. This family has small children. My goodness what kind of a person puts poison out because of a grudge, with the intention of KILLING living things. Unless he is mentally deficient this man KNOWS there is the possibility of children coming in contact with that poison. Doesn’t matter what else is “going on in the background”. He had many other options…including installing cameras himself. A totally safe option for living things.​
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