If you could only keep 3-5 chickens

Lol it’s easy to do with chicken talk, pigs and cattle I got a smooth 5 to choose from. I think where I order from and can get locally will also help limit my birds. After I have them a while and figure out my favorites and good and bad layers should be easy to stay under 25 birds
I'd have five cream Brabanters. I love mine to pieces. SO friendly, from the day I picked them up at the feed store. They are hands down my favorite standard chicken ever. They are my only chickens that are smart enough to get out of the fence every single day, yet always remember how to get back in. They are friendly. They swarm me whenever I go visit. They love a shoulder or arm to sit on. They are calm, and tolerate being held without struggling. Oh, and they are dead sexy.View attachment 1979499 View attachment 1979500 View attachment 1979501

Do these are what those super cute chicks became??

Damn. I don’t have enough room in my yard for more... but these... whoa. And I see that you later said they lay white eggs. And I totally want some white eggs.
What are you doing, posting these haughty little chick pictures? I can’t take it. They are too cute. Please stop.
Do these are what those super cute chicks became??

Damn. I don’t have enough room in my yard for more... but these... whoa. And I see that you later said they lay white eggs. And I totally want some white eggs.
Yes! These amazingly cute little chicks turned into those gorgeous, amazing, super friendly, smart, sweet birds. They are even sweet to my tiny little OEGBs. Oh, and yes. White eggs. They just started laying, and all five are cranking them out even though they are not considered a production breed.
After years of trying many different breeds (EEs, Brahmas, Sex links, Hamburgs, Welsummers, Australorp, Russian Orloffs...you get the idea), I finally found my favorite standard chicken. I honestly can't say enough good things about them.
Yes! These amazingly cute little chicks turned into those gorgeous, amazing, super friendly, smart, sweet birds. They are even sweet to my tiny little OEGBs. Oh, and yes. White eggs. They just started laying, and all five are cranking them out even though they are not considered a production breed.
After years of trying many different breeds (EEs, Brahmas, Sex links, Hamburgs, Welsummers, Australorp, Russian Orloffs...you get the idea), I finally found my favorite standard chicken. I honestly can't say enough good things about them.
Well. I’m blown away. I just spent the last half hour looking at pictures of them online. I don’t know how I haven’t seen them before. Totally incredible looking bird— and the fact you say they are so great and friendly. Wow. I’m super happy for you— and I think the OP should try to find these awesome ladies.
Well. I’m blown away. I just spent the last half hour looking at pictures of them online. I don’t know how I haven’t seen them before. Totally incredible looking bird— and the fact you say they are so great and friendly. Wow. I’m super happy for you— and I think the OP should try to find these awesome ladies.
What breeds do you currently keep?
I had never even heard of Brabanters until I saw them at the feed store. One of the employees had them and told me they were her favorites. I'm glad she talked me into them.
What breeds do you currently keep?
I had never even heard of Brabanters until I saw them at the feed store. One of the employees had them and told me they were her favorites. I'm glad she talked me into them.

I have 7 chickens— one of each of the following: cuckoo blue bar, Plymouth Rock, Easter egger, Swedish flower hen, cream legbar, frost white legbar, and a red star.

I had a speckled Sussex but it ended up being a rooster so I had to find him a new home.

I really love the Swedish flower hen. I would get more of them if I could... I actually think all the ladies I have are pretty great.

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