
I havent been on much this week due to my Christmas present being troublesome.


An 11 week un-potty trained, chewing, bundle of energy border collie. She likes to chase chickens too.🙄
@homeschoolin momma she is adorable!!!!!

I am getting maybe 2-3 eggs a day at best. I think partly because the layers hate the babies, partly because the babies won't stay out of the nesting boxes and partly because of molting and shorter daylight. So annoying to have to buy eggs at the store like a regular person! 😂

This rain is going to be the end of me!!!!! I spent hours this morning trying to dry everything out. I have no idea where the NEW leak is coming from because I had all the leaks locked down a month or so ago and now they are back with a vengeance!! I need to fix the roof of the run but that's a spring project for sure. I really thought it would be less of a problem in the winter since it's all tarped now but that doesn't help when it gets under the tarp. And the inside of the coop too. Nesting boxes were soaked. I can see where it's coming from but I've caulked the snot out of that area so I don't know how it's loose again. Gonna need to hit up my friend Phil Swift for some FlexSeal I think and just seal the entire outside of the coop. I even broke my poop-scoop. Can e just have a few dry days now please?

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