
Hey all,
Clearly I don't keep up with this thread (really hard to just jump in when convo has been going on for so long) but was curious if anyone else is brooding any chicks outdoors, and how is it going?
I am in southern (just barely lol) IL and have 28 barred rock chicks at 1wk old outside in their coop, in a brooder box and they are doing pretty darn good
We are in south central IL and we currently have our third batch since January brooding outside in the coop. They are 3-4 weeks old (we had two batches a week apart that we brooded together) so I think their crate will be coming down this weekend.. if I can get the meat bird coop done. Those little guys have been being jerks to the babies…
Starting my meat bird hoop coop build today…cross your fingers that it goes well and we are able to complete it this weekend!! I really need to not have to sort 18 meat bird chicks out of the layer flock every morning at turnout…
Coop is done…but since I was so busy finishing it up by myself I totally forgot to take any pictures!! So happy to move the chicks (they actually spent last night in it too!) and hens into the new coop & run, and rooster will move tomorrow.

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