
I actually got sucked into the chicks at Big R this weekend lol. We got a Silver Laced Wyandotte, Amberlink, Buff Orpington, and an Easter Egger (she was labeled Ameraucana but I doubt that). They are in our spare room, eating, drinking and pooping like crazy. We are considering going to our max 6 chickens with some bantams next week.... but they are straight run and we are concerned what to do if we get a roo :/ The inlaws are visiting in a few weeks and bringing us a bunch of power tools, so coop building can commence.
And the fun begins! I began just like you. Stopped at the feed store and got the chicks before I built a coop. But that's ok, cause they need to be inside and warm for a while. Enjoy

Little Draco my sdw Oegb
Nice bunch you have! Draco is adorable!
Out of curiosity, how hard is it to rehome a rooster around here?
If you put out an advertisement for "Free rooster" you'll get takers.... but they usually want to invite him for dinner. I once had a weird response of someone who ONLY wanted inexpensive adult roosters. Gave me a bad vibe on the phone, so I didn't make arrangements to meet. He actually saved my ph# & called the next summer looking for roosters again. Like I said "weird."

If you have a very nice quality purebred roo, you may be able to sell him at a small price or sell him as part of a breeding pair. It's likely easier to rehome a roo now for springtime breeding rather than in the fall. When I have people come here to purchase chicks, I usually offer free roosters / male chicks to those who can legally own them. Sometimes farms, petting zoos, & feed stores will also take roosters to resell or process at a later date. You can always post a pic on BYC local or the breed specific threads to see if anyone is looking for your breed. (It's polite to request private messages rather than publicly discuss prices.)

Good luck.
Faraday40 did you see the other set of pics I posted last night?

Quail moved out to the brooder I miss the littles being right in the kitchen lol been a long day. We have a juvenile that just not quite right. It's also underweight. Probably being bullied. Has been with one other juvenile and feed and water all day. I hope it perks up.

The flock of course hate the now clean coop BC of course it new. Lol they're such funny creatures. It took both of us to get them all to go into the coop last night.

Another of one the black boys -also nice

Jazzy aka Jasmine Was Jazzy from your 1st chicken hatch or did she come from our Princess?(when you & I 1st met) Jazzy's face & shape look similar, but not the feathering nor legs.

Cream legbar pullet again and a speckled Sussex pullet, Merida

I had to share this pic. cl pullet from @meepbeep via Faraday40 she was shaking out her feathers and the wind was blowing lol

This is I guess what a frizzled CL would look like. Lol It's an action shot!

SLW pullet also more beautiful in person Never had those, but perhaps someday. I'm a sucker for the pretty laced birds. How do you think I got talked into keeping "Trouble!" Are they friendly, docile, & kind to flockmates?
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Faraday40 did you see the other set of pics I posted last night?

Quail moved out to the brooder I miss the littles being right in the kitchen lol been a long day. We have a juvenile that just not quite right. It's also underweight. Probably being bullied. Has been with one other juvenile and feed and water all day. I hope it perks up.

The flock of course hate the now clean coop BC of course it new. Lol they're such funny creatures. It took both of us to get them all to go into the coop last night.
That's what happened when we had 2 failure to thrive quail chicks. I gave them electrolytes ("Sav-achick") & offered soaked food. The next day one improved & the other didn't make it. The kids continued to offer "mushy food" as a daily treat, but we didn't separate b/c the other chicks ate the food which in turn made the small chick eat it.

The lavender boys tail could have been placed but I think it's just the wind blowing it funny.

No problem on the silkie eggs and please let me know if you end up with extra females as I'd love to add more other than white. Maybe even a male or two if they caught my eye. While I love my whites I prefer the other colors.

Jazzy was in the first group of chicks I got from you with Ella and Cinder. They were also the first birds we ever had cocci issues with and we lost three of the six siblings to it. They're the 2015 set.

That's what happened when we had 2 failure to thrive quail chicks.  I gave them electrolytes ("Sav-achick") & offered soaked food.  The next day one improved & the other didn't make it.  The kids continued to offer "mushy food" as a daily treat, but we didn't separate b/c the other chicks ate the food which in turn made the small chick eat it.  

I've never seen a failure to thrive like this though. The chick wants to stand but can't. It seems healthy just really thin. What's odd is she was completely fine two days ago and we have seen her eating and drinking up until yesterday. We did not see her drink yesterday but she(calling her a she until she looks like an obvious boy at over 13 weeks I would be surprised but it's not impossible). I haven't brought in any birds in months except from junibutt and Faraday40 and that has even been months all the birds have been incredibly healthy. I'm hoping it's just a deficiency. While she can't stand her legs are not paralyzed and she seems to have control. No physical injuries are visible.

There are no other symptoms and the chick was fine and on its feet up until last night. We found it down this morning.

Anyone have any ideas? The crop was empty this morning the chick is readily and hungrily eating and drinking.
Hi guys

Bad bad day here. Just terrible and I can't stop crying.

We moved the 8 baby quail from our test hatch out to the brooder in the coop. This morning we discovered that the power tripped out in the coop(something that hasn't happened in like 8 months) probably because of the rain but we don't really know why.

All 8 baby quail were dead when we found them.

I feel just terrible and I know DH2B does too. We've never had that happen and unfortunately in spite of it being quite warm out today for the time of year and all other precautions they were gone.

I'm just devastated and I can't stop crying.

We will brood in the porch from now on at least until summer but probably always for quail and probably always a couple of weeks for chicks. This is so heartbreaking.

We have more quail hatching in two weeks and they will be brooded in the porch for sure.


I've never seen anything like this. They were fine at midnight I know BC I checked.

The juvenile chick that was down is still alive and eating and drinking.

So sorry to be the bearer of bad news. I just feel terrible.
Hi guys

Bad bad day here. Just terrible and I can't stop crying.

We moved the 8 baby quail from our test hatch out to the brooder in the coop. This morning we discovered that the power tripped out in the coop(something that hasn't happened in like 8 months) probably because of the rain but we don't really know why.

All 8 baby quail were dead when we found them.

I feel just terrible and I know DH2B does too. We've never had that happen and unfortunately in spite of it being quite warm out today for the time of year and all other precautions they were gone.

I'm just devastated and I can't stop crying.

We will brood in the porch from now on at least until summer but probably always for quail and probably always a couple of weeks for chicks. This is so heartbreaking.

We have more quail hatching in two weeks and they will be brooded in the porch for sure.


I've never seen anything like this. They were fine at midnight I know BC I checked.

The juvenile chick that was down is still alive and eating and drinking.

So sorry to be the bearer of bad news. I just feel terrible.

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