
Found a turkey in the fort today.

Looking good. Is the lav really that much bigger or is it the angle of the photo?

My lavs & blacks tend to feather out faster. (Sexing them is all about the comb/wattles. By 4 weeks the males start to get a little height & color in their combs.) The laced chicks grow in feathers much slower. Since the females also have little wattles, you'll have to look at the feather growth as well as the face to guess gender. At 4 weeks the females have most of their feathers & their wings extend all the way to the end of their bodies. Males will usually have porcupine look - or still have chick fluff in places like the chest & back. At 4 wks males will also have very stumpy or no tails & shorter wings.

I like to guess gender at 4 weeks, but it's not until 6 wks that gender can be confirmed. Keep posting pics!

Congrats on another little pullet egg. I notice that the pullet eggs "feel" pretty heavy for their size. (greater density) Until her system figures things out, you'll get all kinds of eggs. (You could also have another new layer.)

Looking good. Is the lav really that much bigger or is it the angle of the photo?

My lavs & blacks tend to feather out faster. (Sexing them is all about the comb/wattles. By 4 weeks the males start to get a little height & color in their combs.) The laced chicks grow in feathers much slower. Since the females also have little wattles, you'll have to look at the feather growth as well as the face to guess gender. At 4 weeks the females have most of their feathers & their wings extend all the way to the end of their bodies. Males will usually have porcupine look - or still have chick fluff in places like the chest & back. At 4 wks males will also have very stumpy or no tails & shorter wings.

I like to guess gender at 4 weeks, but it's not until 6 wks that gender can be confirmed. Keep posting pics!

Congrats on another little pullet egg. I notice that the pullet eggs "feel" pretty heavy for their size. (greater density) Until her system figures things out, you'll get all kinds of eggs. (You could also have another new layer.)
The lav is about on about 2 inches of pine shavings while the laced is sitting on the floor of the brooder where they scratched all of the shavings away. Because of this, the lav is just closest to the camera.
Found a turkey in the fort today.
View attachment 1476054
and he is telling you all about it :gig

in another thread R2elk said the poults look like calico and red bronze....
later on I posted my hen and he thought looks like maybe a Narragansett Semi-Color Semi Gray... which explains why there were yellow chicks this breeding

this is a crazy thread, ton of posts ...but this is where he said what they looked like to him
looks very useful
glad you could train them... when they get older they will want to explore the trees , top of the coop, gates.. mealworms are there favorite bribe treat

I am going to start corid again... I did that after the first one died and but had a second die near the end of treatment so I don't really think its cocci

well I started everyone on corid friday morning.. 1 and 1/2 heaping teaspoons of powder to a gallon of water... one of the browns with the turkey hen (hatch 6/18) is showing symptoms this morning:he

corid dosage.JPG
corid dosage.JPG
Been busy helping DD get ready for the fair. She's been drawing, gluing, taking photos, practicing baking bread, dancing, making posters, etc....

Here are some of my favs of her photography: (Her silkied serama has been a big - or little- inspiration this year.)

She can only enter 1 photo & 1 photo edit, so here are her choices:

She also wrote & received a grant for her poultry project to get a keyboard & camera. She's been training a chicken to play piano. (Well, sort of. Bubbles hasn't been feeling up to much this past week Last week she was playing 7-10 notes in a row all by herself. Of course I didn't film it, so we simply used what we had. Tomorrow she presents 14 of her projects and the last 2 on Tuesday. Busy, busy girl!
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Do pullets lay smaller eggs at first and then progress to larger eggs as time goes on/ they continue to grow in?
We're have collected several eggs in the last week and I must say I am a little disappointed in the average size of the eggs. Our Speckled Sussex started laying about a week ago and our GLW started just a few days ago. I understand now that hormones play a major part in egg production and that itis no surprise to find odd eggs from pullets who just started laying, but consistently normal eggs seems beyond odd. The eggs I am talking about all have yolks and the shells are fine. Do these breeds just lay smaller eggs than I expected?
Both breeds are supposed to lay large eggs. Pullets may lay smaller eggs since they are still juvenile. Likely the eggs will get larger as the chicken mature more.
Remember that large is certain size, and many of the store eggs now available are Extra Large. It is beneficial for stores as well as egg producers to produce/sell Extra Large. I know that there are other sizes available in stores, but the majority of the stock seems to be XLarge.
Eggs certainly get bigger as the laying regulates. And even after their first layingnseasla the eggs are also generally larger. However I believe both of those breeds only lay a medium to large egg on average. I would have to check again but they should get some bigger than they begin.

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