Im a new mommy and its prob nothing but....

Most of the stores buy them day old so they could be just one day old when you get them. Crazy, right?

Assuming you have some girls, they'll start laying in the 20 week range. I've had some start laying at 20, some start at 28. Every duck is a little different. My girls also like to hide their eggs so if they're free ranging at all, look out for that. You could think they aren't laying when all along they've been laying in the brush in the back corner of your yard

As for the feed, everyone will tell you to supplement with niacin. Layer feed is fine, but you should make sure they're getting extra niacin somehow. Green peas are a favourite here.

And I have my starter feed and water separate but close to each other.

Oh, and as for the living with chickens, how many chickens and how big a space?
Lol ok. They wont be able to go everywhere they plz bc unfortunately one of my dogs LOVE chicken and duck dinners. But i let every1 have turns of running the yard. (I have 5 acres) my chicken coop has 2 roos (raised together) and 8 hens. Its about 20x10ft with a lil coop attached maybe 10x5. I will be building a duck pen soon, hubby has weekends off.

Do i put nesting boxes in thier pen or let them make thier own?

When can i give them other food to try? At what age?
Most ducks lay eggs within 6-7 months..Some take less time, some take longer. Mine were feed layer chicken feed; they did fine on that. Give ducklings chick starter, and then grower, and then layer, when they get old enough. There should be info on the label about when to feed them what.

About the two ways that you've stated:
My ducks had one bowl of food and one of water. They did fine. Of course, they like it if you put their food in water every once in a while; ducks like dabbling at things. But be careful about doing this; change the food often so it doesn't get moldy.
As long as ducks have access to water when their is food, you're good to go (Ducks cant eat without drinking).

As to your first post, it depends. Drakes can kill hens by mating with them, and vice versa. If you separated the guys, it could work - but you'd need to incorporate them slowly - Maybe have the ducks in a fenced off part, so they can see and talk to the chickens, but wont be able to get hurt by them? I've never had chickens, don't have any experience about integrating ducks temporarily into a chicken flock. I have what other people say. Some of them swear not to mix ducks and chickens, some of them say the opposite. Shrug/
Another thing that I'd like to have known before I started raising my first batch of ducklings is:

You can train them. Yes, like dogs. Very basic commands, like Come, or Go Home, etc. I've heard of someone who got their duck to Sit (So, in a duck's world, basically laying down on command). You can also train the to Tap your hand, for treats (High Five). Repetition and positive reinforcement are key. It's good for bonding w them.
Ok ill play it safe and get started on thier pen. What would be best size area they can be happy in? Does thier coop have to be off the ground? Can they fly? Do they need perches? I wouldnt think so but? Dirt or pine shaving floor? Im so ignorant to this stuff? Im reading as many posts as i can lol
Yeast... Like what you use to make bread? 1 tab as in 1 little packet? Im srry im sooo uneducated about this, im learning. Can all of the ducks have it? And thank you. I ended up getting 2 roans, 1 peking, 2 magpie and 1 khaki. And idk true age, i bought original 2 ducks 2 weeks ago, other 4 was 2 days ago. How old do they have to be to sell in stores?
NO not yeast for making bread @Shiyanne this is Brewers yeast for people or Nutritional yeast for people most health food stores carry it and probably Whole Foods.

They bring them in right after hatch most places.

Your lil one looks to be maybe close to 2weeks. They can all have the yeast I'd get it started asap.
Ok ill play it safe and get started on thier pen. What would be best size area they can be happy in? Does thier coop have to be off the ground? Can they fly? Do they need perches? I wouldnt think so but? Dirt or pine shaving floor? Im so ignorant to this stuff? Im reading as many posts as i can lol
start here

and more info
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Most of the stores buy them day old so they could be just one day old when you get them. Crazy, right?

Assuming you have some girls, they'll start laying in the 20 week range. I've had some start laying at 20, some start at 28. Every duck is a little different. My girls also like to hide their eggs so if they're free ranging at all, look out for that. You could think they aren't laying when all along they've been laying in the brush in the back corner of your yard

As for the feed, everyone will tell you to supplement with niacin. Layer feed is fine, but you should make sure they're getting extra niacin somehow. Green peas are a favourite here.

And I have my starter feed and water separate but close to each other.

Oh, and as for the living with chickens, how many chickens and how big a space?
@Pendergast I don't if you meant feeding layer to ducklings was fine but it really isn't layer shouldn't be fed till around 20 weeks or unless they begin to lay earlier than that.
Ok thank u miss lydia. I will read all and thank u everyone else.. Im sooo glad i stumbled into this site.

I will look up a health place near me or inquire at rural king about where i can find the niacin stuff. Ok so i have time to build the pen lol.. Right now they are in my bedroom that we are rebuilding.

I just love bathtime with them. Is there such thing as letting them play in the tub too long??

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