im bout to puke.. advice please

You deserve better, if she luvs ya, she'd stay and work it out and behave, been there done that. If their runnin away, then you deserve someone who'd never choose others over you. Hang in there buddy!

What are both your ages? Sounds like early twenty blues to me. Been there, done
that. How long have you been together?

Tough love:
You opened your post up with many bad things one both your parts. Plus you
are both upset. If she is the love of your life and you don't tell her this, then
she is not really the love of your life.

This is way too hard for a forum. Get out of the house. DON'T GO OUT DRINKING.
Go hang out with an older friend or family member who has been through this and
can relate.
were both 18 it makes me cringe.. just to think shes out right now, and i havent heard form her.. im just sittin here gettin my mind off of it and so far its workin
Your being a man, and that's what matters. Running away is childish. You may have more than one luv of your life in your future. Hang in there sweetie, my daughter is close to your age and been through what you've been through, it's so much better with someone who really want's to be there as much as you do! Then there is no confusion.

I know it's really tough right now. You need to get out of her apartment and go visit someone like Purple said. Just like he said someone older or family and not drinking.

I can remember being there and thinking the world was going to come to an end but you know what? It didn't and the break up was the BEST thing that ever happened.

I didn't get married until I was 25 and a wise person told me once. It's better to wait and have a few years of good marriage than to have a life time of heart ache.

I married the most wonderful man!!!! My mom says he's the next thing to "God" It was so worth the wait. He just shakes his head when more eggs comes in the mail and plans on more coops.

Good luck,

Yeah, you're only 18. She's still acting like a high-schooler. It's hard right now, things like this is never easy, but you'll feel better as time goes by and be much relived that you let her go when the more mature woman blesses your life. And you NEVER NEED a drink to get through anything! Alcohol may be fun at parties at times, but it isn't a solution to ANYTHING. So please, don't have a drink cause you're stressed.
Calm down and relax. NO ONE is worth that much heartache and drama. She's not your wife right? It's easy to break away from someone when they're just a girlfriend. I remember when I was young(er) and was so hurt about some stupid lil boy that I thought was my one and only...then I met my one and only and that stupid lil boy that I thought was my "soul mate" is far from my thoughts.

yeah its easier said than done. haha

It is easier said then done, I understand that. I don't believe age has anything to do with your feelings. I met my husband when I was 18 and I married him at 21. You'll met someone some day that blows your mind. This lil immature girl doesn't sound like she's the one.

to you!!!​
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