I'm gonna be RICH!

That's why I don't keep a spreadsheet.... Plus, selling eggs here is a lost cause, so any excess is fed back to the chickens or given away.

I knew either your thread title was a joke, or you'd won the lottery
That's why I don't keep a spreadsheet....

You think it looks bad now, you should have seen it on day one and two!

It's getting better as the days roll on.

We already get feed delivery once a month for the horses, so figuring out feed usage for the chickens will allow me to see how much I've used and guestimate how much I'll need for the girls to keep them happy.

Once I get a better feel for the cost numbers I'll probably forget about the spreadsheet, but for now it's fun to watch the numbers change. And today they changed in my favor. Even if it's only a little bit.
The golden egg ... ha, ha

How about this for a money making venture - I buy the random 25 chicks mixture from my pet chicken on line. They are $49 free shipping! I raise the babies and enjoy them while they are small and play with them while they love me and trust my every move. That is on the baby side of the coop. This is where I get most of my affection.

On the other side I have egg layers. I keep about 30. They keep me in the egg business, but not so much that I can't keep the eggs sold. So, when they have laid for about a year, I put out an add on Craigslist and the local free Buy/Sell book. I sell them off for $10 each. So far so good!

The babies are then ready to move over to that side and become the layers. And best of all ... then it's time to order babies again!
I figure I'm making my money back at least, and I have a very satisfying hobby. Gives me something to do after work, now that my teenagers don't need me. (Reference above remark about affection.)

Happy Chicken Owner,
I hope my husband never reads this thread.
I keep telling him that we're getting fresher eggs than can be bought at the store, the chickens eat bugs and weeds, and at least I can use their poop to fertilize my garden. Plus, they're sweet pets. After all, what has our overpriced, purebred dog ever given back?! Nothing but sloppy kisses and hair on the furniture!
That sounds like what I'm aiming for. Not a great money maker, but it's a hobby that should be able to pay for itself.
I'm not allowed to sell eggs in my location, so forget making my money back. But I tell my DP exactly what you do - fresh eggs, no bugs and weeds and poop to fertilize the veggie garden. He must have believed me because he keeps telling his friends about our great chicken!

All I know is this: I lost my job and spent 6 months in a deep depression. Having Gladys and now the chicks gives me something to smile about. Cost of coop: $500, Cost of feed and supplies: $200. Having chickens: PRICELESS

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