I'm in love with Scovies butttt

I was hopin for a waggly scovey butt picture. My white call got a cute fat butt, I was thinkin, great, finally a thread with duck butts.
Clip your Scovy wing. I just began doing this as our Scovy girls decided to fly over to the neighbors 2 story house and hang out on their roof.
I was nervous at first but it is SOOOOOOO easy. I did a partial clip which is prettier when they fold their wings back. It is best if you can have someone hold her, then you just need to spread her ONE wing out and snip, snip... done in a few seconds.
Only ONE wing needs clipped back. The long feathers on the bottom of the wing are the primary flight feathers that need to be clipped. On a partial, you can clip UP TO the last two or three longest feathers on the outside of the wing and leave them. Then when they fold their wings back it still looks like they have all of them, they just can't fly.
I also left a few close in to the body so you basically have a square hole cut in the wing. It works!

Hope you get your Scovy girl. They are the sweetest little things!

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