I thought this thread had died or maybe I got booted off for getting an egg and wearing regular clothes. For some reason I'm not getting alerts. We are now getting 3 or 4 egg a day. One little girl is still not laying so don't worry those eggs will come. I must say I have enjoyed seeing the pictures and have caught up on the humorous stories.
My leghorn was the first to lay at 22 weeks and then over the next month the other 4 followed suit. My silkie didn't lay until almost 8 months. I have another 6 month silkie and 6 month d'uccle that haven't started yet either.. My older silkie (that started laying at almost 8 months) turned out to be one of my best layers though... an egg almost every day until she went broody lol.
I thought this thread had died or maybe I got booted off for getting an egg and wearing regular clothes. For some reason I'm not getting alerts. We are now getting 3 or 4 egg a day. One little girl is still not laying so don't worry those eggs will come. I must say I have enjoyed seeing the pictures and have caught up on the humorous stories.
Sometimes I don't get alerts either. Crazy lady PJs not required! ;)
And eggs will eventually arrive for all with hens...:hugs
I love all the humor here too. A good laugh gets us through the day!:hugs
Keep popping in with or without alerts, it's good to have ya!:D
Sometimes I don't get alerts either. Crazy lady PJs not required! ;)
And eggs will eventually arrive for all with hens...:hugs
I love all the humor here too. A good laugh gets us through the day!:hugs
Keep popping in with or without alerts, it's good to have ya!:D

I think this is about the funniest thread I have read in my month of BYC

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