I got another squatter! And its my nutty Faverolles, Rosie. So, I'm now on egg watch again. Soon to have 2 layers out of 9 (I'm not counting the little Cochins, cause they are a cheat). LOL. C'mon, crazy Rosie and lay that egg!
Ewwww..Yeah not good...:(
A little of each. He's a bantam so she just laughs at him & shoves him away w/ her foot. We made mistakes w/ our boys. I didn't realize we needed to treat them differently than the girls. Willy (the bantam) was being mean to the others so I took him home w/ me. He slept w/ me & would sit on my head & cuddle on my neck. We all got a good laugh when he'd chase after my daughter while she ran around the yard. Unfortunately we now realize that was making him think he was dominant. Odin was fine early on, but he'd perch on my nephew's shoulder, like a parrot. So many mistakes.

I got another squatter! And its my nutty Faverolles, Rosie. So, I'm now on egg watch again. Soon to have 2 layers out of 9 (I'm not counting the little Cochins, cause they are a cheat). LOL. C'mon, crazy Rosie and lay that egg!
View attachment 1167691
So pretty!!!
I got another squatter! And its my nutty Faverolles, Rosie. So, I'm now on egg watch again. Soon to have 2 layers out of 9 (I'm not counting the little Cochins, cause they are a cheat). LOL. C'mon, crazy Rosie and lay that egg!
View attachment 1167691

Wow, Rosie is a beauty! C'mon Rosie, show us you can do it!!
Hey y'all, I don't want anyone to get upset but yesterday we got our first time ever 5 eggs from our 5 chickens. Been working on the garden, got it all tilled and raked so the girls told me the fence that separates them from the garden was not really tall enough so I am working on that now. I hope they are honest and tell me now instead of waiting until I get some seeds in the ground.
I got another squatter! And its my nutty Faverolles, Rosie. So, I'm now on egg watch again. Soon to have 2 layers out of 9 (I'm not counting the little Cochins, cause they are a cheat). LOL. C'mon, crazy Rosie and lay that egg!
View attachment 1167691
:fl hope she lays soon!!!!
A little of each. He's a bantam so she just laughs at him & shoves him away w/ her foot. We made mistakes w/ our boys. I didn't realize we needed to treat them differently than the girls. Willy (the bantam) was being mean to the others so I took him home w/ me. He slept w/ me & would sit on my head & cuddle on my neck. We all got a good laugh when he'd chase after my daughter while she ran around the yard. Unfortunately we now realize that was making him think he was dominant. Odin was fine early on, but he'd perch on my nephew's shoulder, like a parrot. So many mistakes.

So pretty!!!
We learn as we go and correct what we can.:hugs we had a frizzle roo years ago that would chase our youngest daughter. She was 5 then (14 now), he chased her through the back door of the barn one day and she got to the front and decided enough was enough and football kicked him right back out the door. Didn't hurt him but he never chased her again..;)
@apryl29 Eveybody raises their boys differently,that isn't a mistake just an experience like everything else in life. I didn't raise my boy by the book either and except for a couple weeks of foot lovi'n he's awesome.:)
I wish that'd work w/ our boys. I'm hoping they lose some of that vigor as they get older. They're great w/ the girls, but don't like that we're the boss. Odin I'm more worried about b/c he's got the spurs and strength. Willy is more annoying than anything. She's given him a good kick before, then worried she hurt him.

Hey y'all, I don't want anyone to get upset but yesterday we got our first time ever 5 eggs from our 5 chickens. Been working on the garden, got it all tilled and raked so the girls told me the fence that separates them from the garden was not really tall enough so I am working on that now. I hope they are honest and tell me now instead of waiting until I get some seeds in the ground.
I'm so jealous!
Hey y'all, I don't want anyone to get upset but yesterday we got our first time ever 5 eggs from our 5 chickens. Been working on the garden, got it all tilled and raked so the girls told me the fence that separates them from the garden was not really tall enough so I am working on that now. I hope they are honest and tell me now instead of waiting until I get some seeds in the ground.
Yay!!!! All 5 in the same day!!!!:woot:bun

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