Thanks @Crooked Chicken! Glad my girls aren't the only ones that missed the memo on proper hen etiquette (come on, squat dang it!). Maybe I should buy one of these fancy suits you ladies have and demonstrate for them? :hmm

Oh man @apryl29 if I had a camera in my hen house... heaven help us between that and BYC I would probably never leave my house again! The chicken addiction would just grow and grow! All chickens all the time! I would hoard great numbers of chickens and encourage them to follow me in awe as I paraded around in my chicken suit :lau
I'm so dang eggcited! Yesterday, my legbar started squawking and carrying on, singing the egg song over and over, hanging out in the coop, going in and out of nest boxes! I think I may get that blue egg soon! The squatting faverolles, Rosie, still has not laid anything!
@apryl29 Don't feel bad, I have a mouth like a trucker! :oops:

I'm rooting for you and your legbar! :fl:fl:fl
Thanks @Crooked Chicken! Glad my girls aren't the only ones that missed the memo on proper hen etiquette (come on, squat dang it!). Maybe I should buy one of these fancy suits you ladies have and demonstrate for them? :hmm

The neighbors would LOVE that, lol!
It's my birthday month. :)

I'll be April - I'm a Taurus. Unless Apryl29 is April, lol.

I've actually wondered what would happen if the chickens fall into the duck boat. I let the ducks out into the yard daily, and one pen of chickens gets the duck pen for the day. none have fallen in so far yet, or maybe they made their way back out. Lol

gotta look that up. I sew, so maybe i can make one!

And again, I'm right there with all the fowl-mouthed gals here. My hubby is even worse, but it's just plain English to us. :lol:

I have a plastic kiddie pool in the yard for the ducks. The chickens sometimes stand on the edge to drink, but haven't seen any fall in yet. I know they don't go willingly.

My folks were just watching an old Lawrence Welk show and they had a bunch of singing dancing chickens....

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