Oh Gosh dang it! I went from laughing my fool head off to puking in my mouth! Roo Shmoo! Just ewwww. That video...I cant even. I'm so glad I got rid of our boy! If I had known he was shmooing on my pretty girls, I would not have been happy.
If not for a Cockbird, you wouldn't have your pretty girls! :lol:
Me and my little schmoo factory. He's adorable! :lau
They're over 26 weeks now, and STILL NO FREAKIN' EGG!!

I did see a horrific case of rape this morning, my rooster climbed on top of my bantam cochin, dug his claws in, and started flapping around and biting the back of her head with his beak!!! She was screaming and clucking like she really wasn't enjoying it. Is this chicken sex? (what the hell?!) Does this mean my egg is finally coming? I can't believe roosters do all that nonsense, just so they can touch buttholes or whatever it is they do. Ewwww!!! Horny males, they're just like humans, lol! (sorry guys I'm just playin') :)

I HAD 3 cockerels and 9 pullets. The 2 EE boys were very agressive and treated the girls pretty rough when it came to mating. They made great soup. The Rhode Island Red started mating later, and it took him a while to figure it out, but he is now quite the gentleman most of the time. He just does this step over and gets it over with quickly. He did chase one of the scaredy cat EE girls the other day though. It does seem that once the girls are ready to lay, they will become more submissive.

:lau :lau
If you think that's bad, don't ever get ducks! They can be brutal!
But ya know, some gals like it rough. :lol:

I've heard that too, but haven't witnessed an actual duck mating yet. We have 2, not sure if both male or what, but one did attempt it once. I have also heard that if they try to mate a chicken it will do a lot of damage because they have a corkscrew penis. Ew..... so far, they are only interested in the roo -- they follow him everywhere. They used to follow the other boys too.

I was really behind in reading. You all made laugh my butt off!
Ducks aren't that bad all the time. It just takes them more than 8 seconds to find the spot. :lol: When the girls just lay there and take it, its not so bad. But when a drake wants it, he wants it!
They stand on top of the girl, pin her down, and keep wobbling back and forth, trying to tuck their tail down under the girl's tail.

WP_20170812_12_01_48_Pro_LI (2).jpg
Ducks aren't that bad all the time. It just takes them more than 8 seconds to find the spot. :lol: When the girls just lay there and take it, its not so bad. But when a drake wants it, he wants it!
They stand on top of the girl, pin her down, and keep wobbling back and forth, trying to tuck their tail down under the girl's tail.

View attachment 1177336

Good to know, I still fear for Steven's sanity when Flynn and Lucky ...

eta didn't even tag him, not sure he is ready for this :lol:
oh dang, I missed a hilarious convo today :lau
roo schmoo :lau bumping in the poo :lau

hey apryl, we are only about 3 hours away from each other! :D do a YouTube search for paint tray nest boxes. Cool, easy way to hide your eggs after they are laid. I had an egg eater for quite a while. I planned to modify my boxes, but didn't get around to it. All of a sudden, they have quit eating them. Thought it might be rodents, snakes, etc, but everything i looked up, pointed to the hens. :confused:
Ooo that's not far at all! Interesting. I'd seen something similar to that. Unfortunately my girls are pretty much only laying in one nest b/c they're picky little turds. I have 9 boxes, but pretty much 8 eggs in 1 box. I'm going to put taller sides on the others to see if that might entice them to lay in other places. When I went to get the eggs the nest was wet and I found bits of shell stuck to the other eggs. Everything was eaten except the egg white. Yesterday I went over during my lunch and grabbed the eggs. They were all intact and still warm so someone had just laid. Later in the evening I found 2 more in the nest so for now I'm going to just run and pick the eggs early. Monday my kids had visitation and I didn't get the eggs until 8 pm and Tuesday we had dance and trick or treat so it wasn't until after 8 again that we got there. Wed we were there around 4:30 which is closer to my usual time and they had eaten one already. It's only ever 1 egg though which seems odd b/c if they had a thing for the eggs I'd think they'd eat more than one, but maybe it's only one chicken and the 1 egg is enough for her. I'm not sure if they are intentionally breaking it open to eat, or if the egg is breaking and they're eating it. My parents only live 7 min from my work so it's not a big deal to go get the eggs, it's just kind of inconvenient. Hopefully they'll stop too.

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