I'm not liking my Brinsea :(


7 Years
Jun 1, 2012
Winfield, KS
For 24 hours, my temperature maintained at about 99ish... woke up to it at 80!! I had to turn the red knob over 10 times to get it back up to 99... I put another thermometer in this morning and it is reading 100 and the Brinsea thermometer is reading 90! What's up with this? I just got this the other day - is my Brinsea's heater not working??? What's going on... No matter what I do, the temp isn't staying consistent according to the Brinsea's thermometer.

I've lost all my eggs - haven't I? (This was my first time incubating... )
I'm considering returning my Brinsea after such a horrible time with the temperature - still having problems and I've been adjusting for 3 hours now - my thermometer and the Brinsea thermometer are 10 degrees difference.... that is a HUGE difference. I am hating this machine.

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